Miau IRC Bouncer

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DD-WRT allows you to install the Miau IRC Bouncer, which enables you to keep your IRC nickname and channels open while the client pc is disconnected from the server.

A detailed installation guide for installing the OpenWRT Miau ipkg can be found at the Linksysinfo Forum. Be aware that a writeable jffs filesystem with proper ipkg support is required. The installation was tested to work with prefinal 5 and above (tested also with 22r2 final) - prefinal 4 does not work since ipkg is not implemented correctly.

Note: Most IRC servers will not let you connect if you are not running an ident server - A suitable replacement for this would be oident, which can be found on the OpenWRT package tracker.

Suppressing the jffs logging

Under 0.5.3 "hairball", if you want to suppress all the logging and hence save the flash memory from some additional exertion, don't fork to the background at all. Miau author has been kindly agreed to add a miaurc option for us jffs users to turn off logging in the next miau release. In the meanwhile there's an unofficial detour (use at your own risk):

# /jffs/usr/bin/miau -d /jffs/usr/bin -f 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &

Under 0.5.4-p3 - "compatible catnap" and later edit the miaurc file with vi like this:

# statelog = "state": Should miau write state log. When true, log will
#               be written to "$MIAUDIR/log". If set to false, the same stuff
#               is printed on stdout (on terminal).
# Default: true
statelog = "false"

Then with vi check that the /jffs/etc/config/miau.startup file looks like this:

iptables -I INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 4096 -j ACCEPT
/jffs/usr/bin/miau -d /jffs/usr/bin

Replace the with the client IP address you're ircing from. You can update the catnap with ipkg if you haven't cleared the "hairball" from your WRT:

/jffs/usr/bin # ipkg install http://www.linuxops.net/ipkg/miau_0.5.4_mipsel.ipk
Downloading http://www.linuxops.net/ipkg/miau_0.5.4_mipsel.ipk ...
Connecting to www.linuxops.net[]:80
miau_0.5.4_mipsel.ip 100% |***********************************************| 29777       00:00 ETA
Unpacking miau...Done.
Configuring miau...Done.

Using the email feature for collecting private messages in Miau

If you want to use the emailing feature, you need to setup a smtp client and edit the miaurc file accordingly. Here's an example how to do it with msmtp.

 /jffs/usr/bin # ipkg install http://www.wildcatwireless.net/wrt54g/msmtp_1.2.4-wrt1_mipsel.ipk
 Downloading http://www.wildcatwireless.net/wrt54g/msmtp_1.2.4-wrt1_mipsel.ipk ...
 Connecting to www.wildcatwireless.net[]:80
 msmtp_1.2.4-wrt1_mip 100% |********************************************| 21740       00:00 ETA
 Unpacking msmtp...Done.
 Configuring msmtp....: 2: Can't open /etc/wireless.conf

Then using vi, type in following:

 /jffs/usr/bin # vi msmtprc
 account default
 host smtp.yourisp.com
 from you@yourdomain.com

Inside vi, use "i" to insert text, Esc to stop editing, ":w" to write the file and ":q" to close the file. Replace smtp.yourisp.com with your own smtp smarthost, which accepts incoming mail from you. Replace you@yourdomain.com with a valid email address. We're almost done now. Using vi again, edit the miaurc and find the forwardmsg line. Edit it to:

 forwardmsg = "/jffs/usr/bin/msmtp --file=/jffs/usr/bin/msmtprc send.to@thisdomain.com"

Replace send.to@thisdomain.com with a different valid email address where you want your logs to arrive.

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