WRT54G-TM drops internet every 10 minutes

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 14:21    Post subject: WRT54G-TM drops internet every 10 minutes Reply with quote
This problem just started about a week ago. I first noticed it on my xbox, where I would just get booted off Xbox Live. The second it happened, I could immediately reconnect, there was just this little hiccup.

In an effort to solve the issue (I hadn't yet noticed it on my PC yet), I gave the Xbox's MAC address a static IP in DD-WRT and put it's IP in DMZ. The problem went away.

But now my computer is experiencing it too. I've had a 1Gb download going for a while now from a friend's server as a test, and about every 10 minutes I have to pause and restart the download. It affects YouTube videos, streaming music, you name it.

It's a very brief drop, just a second or less, just long enough to kill streams.

When I plug straight into the modem, the problem goes away.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 14:36    Post subject: Reply with quote
Which build number do you happen to be using?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 14:38    Post subject: Reply with quote
Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (10/10/09) mega
Build 13064

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 14:44    Post subject: Reply with quote
Afraid you was gonna say that, start with the link in my signature called "broadcom faq" and the "Firmware Recommandations" link at the top of this forum.

13064 is known to have issues.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 15:16    Post subject: Reply with quote
Okay I've flashed to 14929 now. I'm going to start that download over, see how it does this time.

Thanks for your help! Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 17:41    Post subject: Reply with quote
It's still happening after the firmware upgrade to 14929 mega. I also reset to factory defaults and set the bare minimum stuff I need to connect to the net (router IP address, only).

I screenshotted the graphs showing it happening.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 17:56    Post subject: Reply with quote
Hrm, beyond this i am at loss now, could be possible bad power supply. I am unsure.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 18:31    Post subject: Reply with quote
I have been using build 15230 on my TMs without issue.
WRT54GL v1.1
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WRT54GS v5
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:26    Post subject: Reply with quote
I hate to be "that guy" but where can I find a download link for 15230?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:29    Post subject: Reply with quote
Read the forum announcements thoroughly! Be cautious if you're inexperienced.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:18    Post subject: Reply with quote
The command line didn't fix it. Was a good shot though, looks like the same issue!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 17:22    Post subject: Reply with quote
The firewall issue is definitely the problem. Disabling the router's firewall corrected it.

But um, disabling the router's firewall is a BAD idea, right?

Is it still bad if I have firewalls and AV's on all connected computers?
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 17:43    Post subject: Reply with quote
DJMattB241 wrote:
The firewall issue is definitely the problem. Disabling the router's firewall corrected it.

But um, disabling the router's firewall is a BAD idea, right?

Is it still bad if I have firewalls and AV's on all connected computers?

After resetting the device, or unplugging/replugging WAN cable, which value you can see at Status - WAN - Remaining Lease Time? What is the value after disconnecting and connecting WAN cable? That is your DHCP release time.

Typically DHCP renew is made after half of the DHCP release time is spent. Does your DD-WRT router execute DHCP release in that point? If renew is not done, Remaining Lease Time continues decreasing it's value. Finally after that time has value of zero, a full DHCP release/renew will be made and that sure will break TCP connections over WAN.

If DHCP renew was not made in that point, the reason could be DD-WRT SPI firewall blocking the DHCP renew packets as it does with my WRT320N running svn14929.

To fix this, I added following command into Administration - Commands and then pressed Save Firewall:

iptables -I INPUT 2 -p udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT

For example, my ISP is setting 1 hour DHCP release time. After 30 minutes spent, DD_WRT does DHCP renew by itself, which resets DHCP release time back to 1 hour. After every 30 minute period this is made. Without above firewall rule, my DD-WRT router was not able to do DHCP renew causing the DHCP release time fullfilling and full DHCP initialisation occurring, which caused breaking TCP, VPN etc connections.

Hope this helps,

Using DD-WRT in several E3000, WRT320N, WRT54GL, WHR-HP-GN, WHR-G125, WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54 and WL-500gPv1 routers

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:44    Post subject: Reply with quote
DJMattB241 wrote:
The command line didn't fix it. Was a good shot though, looks like the same issue!

Did you really save it to the firewall script as told to in the ticket? If disabling the SPI firewall works then so should that firewall command.

Read the forum announcements thoroughly! Be cautious if you're inexperienced.
Available for paid consulting. (Don't PM about complicated setups otherwise)
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 18:43    Post subject: Take a look at your Broadband modem settings Reply with quote
I, too, have the exact same issue. Running a WRT54G-TM, same build. I put my older Trendnet TEW-432BRP back into service to troubleshoot, and it exhibits the exact same symptoms. I looked at my DSL modem settings and found the DHCP lease time defaults to 10 minutes. I updated the setting to 30 days and have a test download running on the Trendnet router and it appears to be running just fine. I'm over 20 minutes with no hiccups. Hope this helps. In the meantime I'll get a better build for my WRT54G.
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