Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:06 Post subject: WHR-HP-GN can't get WAN IP
Hi there.
My router is Buffalo WHR-HP-GN. I'm in HK and using HGC broadband with an ETHERNET modem. When I was using the old Buafflo firmware with Auto DHCP setting there are no problems.
Recently I upgraded to the DD-WRT firmware but I am not able to obtain WAN IP anymore. (always shown as
I already tried MAC address clone and enable STP but still no luck.
Right now I am using static IP but I don't want to manually set the IP everytime after it is changed. Anyone?
One thing I just noticed is the led "ROUTER" is off when I use the Auto DHCP in WAN connection. However when I set it to static IP or even disable the WAN, that led is on again.
One thing I just noticed is the led "ROUTER" is off when I use the Auto DHCP in WAN connection. However when I set it to static IP or even disable the WAN, that led is on again.
1. Access to "Setup - Basic Setup"
2. Uncheck the following three checkboxes.
- Use DNSMasq for DHCP
- Use DNSMasq for DNS
- DHCP-Authoritative
3. Click "Apply Settings"
1. Access to "Setup - Basic Setup"
2. Uncheck the following three checkboxes.
- Use DNSMasq for DHCP
- Use DNSMasq for DNS
- DHCP-Authoritative
3. Click "Apply Settings"
Thanks for the tip, but still get
I can get the internet connection when I disable WAN connection and disable DHCP Server (switch mode?), but don't know why can't get it work if switch to WAN Auto DHCP config.
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:31 Post subject: Kind of same problem with DIR-300
I have kind of the same problem:
I renewed my Cable contract (german UnityMedia) and got a new modem (Motorola) and router (DIR-300A1). For fun I transfered V24preSP2 Build 13064 on the new DIR-300 and everything went fine connected to my old Atlanta Scientific cable modem. With the new contract came a Motorola modem and things stopped working - although nothing but the modem has changed!
My DIR-300 does not get a WAN IP address (pure DHCP - no PPoE). When I reboot the modem the DIR-300 receives the temporary modem IP 192.168.x.x for a view seconds and then turns to
The point is: the new Motorola modem works on the old Netgear Router (original FW) and works with a PC directly connected - so modem is OK. DIR-300 worked on old modem so DIR-300 should also be OK but seems not to like the Motorola modem...
I did a 30/30/30 reset, I cloned MAC addresses - nothing works.
did you try to disable the firewall of the ppoe?
the defult is that its not alow ppoe to work
Didn't see a ppoe firewall option, but I disabled all the firewall in the WAN and still got nothing.
P.S. When I directly plug the cable to modem, I saw the WAN IP and gateway start with 113 and the subnet mask is, don't know it is relevant or not.
One thing I don't understand is, when I set the WAN to "disable" and close the LAN DHCP I can get back the internet connection and have a real IP.
P.S. I don't have any other devices, only
That will happen if you have your modem connected to the routers LAN port instead of the WAN port. _________________ Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
I have a very similar problem on my Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH. I'm using HGC broadband 30M. I can get IP from dhcp but after some time, (maybe 1 day or just a few hours), the wan line drops. The WAN IP becomes
I've also tried a fixed WAN IP, but after some time, my router lost the connection to WAN gateway (I SSH to the router and check). I need to reboot the router to get it works again.
There is no such problem in using the stock firmware from Bufflo, but only exists on dd-wrt.
Now, I write a cron job in the router. It reboot itself when it lose connection to WAN gateway.
I wonder there should be some compatibility problems between hgcbroadband and dd-wrt.
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:07 Post subject: Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH not getting WAN IP
i am having the exact same problem,once i updated to the latest DD wrt firmware on the G300NH wiki page, but i just cant seem to get it to connect to the internet.
I used this firmware ( really dont want to go back tothe original firmware. Any ideas... Help