jumran DD-WRT User Joined: 31 Jul 2009 Posts: 492 Location: Toronto, ON, CA
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:34 Post subject:
Install the following version.
Install Instructions:
Code: ------------------------------
opt=replase with any dir or dive you want
put this code in startup.
------------------------------ 9.25 / 11.25 ---- 0 / 64 / 128 / 256 / 512 / 1024
To start mypage - were it is - loging time - dade theshold in byte
/opt/www/ /opt/www 10 512
winscp uplode mypage_V0.17.2-20101115.tgz to the router's tmp.
login into dd-wrt
and run this code.
opt=replase with any dir or dive you want
put this code in startup.
tar xvzf mypage_V0.17.2-20101115.tgz -C/opt/www
login into dd-wrt
and run this code.
to use MAC-PCname.
opt=replase with any dir or dive you want
put this code in startup.
echo '
' > /opt/www/MAC-PCname.txt
icehacker wrote: hi jumram i am unable to locate your link .. atm i am using 17.2 and this is what i did. but the bwmonitor is not working
if i run manually on console bwmod works but keeps giveing op
Code: grep: invalid option -- w
this is what i did for install
Code: cd /opt/www/
mv download.php\?id\=17134 mypage_V0.17.2-20101115.tgz
tar xvzf mypage_V0.17.2-20101115.tgz -C /opt/www
chmod -R 644 /opt/www/*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/*.sh /opt/www/*.asp /opt/www/libs/*.sh /opt/www/js/*.js /opt/www/wrt*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/setup/*.sh /opt/www/setup/libs/*.sh /opt/www/setup/lang/*.sh
chown root.root *
cd setup
rm -rf /tmp/www
./ /opt/www
ln -s /opt/www /tmp/www
my startup script is
Code: rm -rf /tmp/www
ln -s /opt/www /tmp/www
/opt/www/ /opt/www 10 512
are there any workarounds
also if i use
sh /opt/www/ /opt/www
i get Code: ./libs/ line 129: syntax error: Bad substitution
i do have a MAC-PCname.txt in /opt/www/ with the MAC,PC format
also i noticed that my nvram vars were
nvram set mypage_scripts="/opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /
so i set it to
mypage_scripts="/opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/ /opt/www/"
finally tried this one still the bwmod is not working any pointers wold be nice
_________________ Asus RT-N16 [Build King Kong 18050M NEWD-2 K2.6 + Optware + My Page]
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icehacker DD-WRT Novice Joined: 16 May 2011 Posts: 45
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 21:41 Post subject:
Hi Jumran,
I followed your steps to the dot after uninstalling what i had. the My_page is not showing up.
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jumran DD-WRT User Joined: 31 Jul 2009 Posts: 492 Location: Toronto, ON, CA
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 21:49 Post subject:
telnet into the router and go to the my page setup directory in opt folder and run the setup script. _________________ Asus RT-N16 [Build King Kong 18050M NEWD-2 K2.6 + Optware + My Page]
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icehacker DD-WRT Novice Joined: 16 May 2011 Posts: 45
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:05 Post subject:
if i run setup like this i get an error
Code: root@DD-WRT:/opt/www/setup# sh /opt/www ./libs/ line 129: syntax error: Bad substitution
if i run the setup like this everything is fine but not simlink to
Code: /tmp/www -> /opt/www
i have to put start-up script on router
Code: rm -rf /tmp/www
ln -s /opt/www /tmp/www
bwmon still not working. any suggestions would be nice
edit:- okay onething i am using dhcpd not dnsmaq
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icehacker DD-WRT Novice Joined: 16 May 2011 Posts: 45
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 14:37 Post subject:
solution below Last edited by icehacker on Wed Aug 24, 2011 19:32; edited 1 time in total
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icehacker DD-WRT Novice Joined: 16 May 2011 Posts: 45
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 18:34 Post subject:
okay found a fix
to uninstall run this
rm -rf /tmp/www
rm -rf /opt/www/*
nvram unset mypage_scripts
nvram commit
to download and install run this
mkdir -p /opt/www/
cd /opt/www/
tar -xvf mypage_working_v172_462.tar -C /opt/www/
dos2unix mp* my* w*
dos2unix setup/m* setup/t* setup/lang/* setup/libs/* js/* libs/* style/*
chmod -R 644 /opt/www/*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/*.sh /opt/www/*.asp /opt/www/libs/*.sh /opt/www/js/*.js /opt/www/wrt*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/setup/*.sh /opt/www/setup/libs/*.sh /opt/www/setup/lang/*.sh
chown root.root *
ln -s /opt/www /tmp/www
cp S85wrtbwmon /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
chmod 755 /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
ls -l /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
cd setup
/bin/sh /opt/www y y y y y y y y y
put you pc names and thier mac address like this
echo '
' > /opt/www/MAC-PCname.txt
wait for 6 mins
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Masterman DD-WRT Guru Joined: 24 Aug 2009 Posts: 2068 Location: South Florida
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:27 Post subject:
icehacker wrote: okay found a fix
to uninstall run this
rm -rf /tmp/www
rm -rf /opt/www/*
nvram unset mypage_scripts
nvram commit
to download and install run this
mkdir -p /opt/www/
cd /opt/www/
tar -xvf mypage_working_v172_462.tar -C /opt/www/
dos2unix mp* my* w*
dos2unix setup/m* setup/t* setup/lang/* setup/libs/* js/* libs/* style/*
chmod -R 644 /opt/www/*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/*.sh /opt/www/*.asp /opt/www/libs/*.sh /opt/www/js/*.js /opt/www/wrt*
chmod -R 755 /opt/www/setup/*.sh /opt/www/setup/libs/*.sh /opt/www/setup/lang/*.sh
chown root.root *
ln -s /opt/www /tmp/www
cp S85wrtbwmon /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
chmod 755 /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
ls -l /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon
cd setup
/bin/sh /opt/www y y y y y y y y y
put you pc names and thier mac address like this
echo '
' > /opt/www/MAC-PCname.txt
wait for 6 mins
I installed your script as outlined and now I have the following in my FORWARD chain:
Code: Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
370K 71M RRDIPT 0 -- * *
0 0 ACCEPT udp -- * * udp dpt:3658
955K 436M RRDIPT 0 -- * *
1127K 596M RRDIPT 0 -- * *
5367 286K TCPMSS tcp -- * * tcp flags:0x06/0x02 TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
May I ask why it is in the wrong position? _________________Optware, the Right Way
Asus RT-AC68U
Asus RT-N66U
Asus RT-N10
Asus RT-N12
Asus RT-N16 x5
Asus WL520gU
Engenious ECB350
Linksys WRT600Nv1.1
Linksys WRT610Nv1
Linksys E2000
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SonicWall TZ215W
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pizzulicchio DD-WRT User Joined: 16 Dec 2009 Posts: 83 Location: Florence (ITALY)
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:18 Post subject:
Why System Kernel Logs and System User Logs are empty?
I have enabled the syslogd. What is necessary to do?
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Marv1n DD-WRT Novice Joined: 29 Oct 2010 Posts: 15
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 22:12 Post subject:
I have a RTN16 with kingkong mog last version. I have installed optware (minimal install) without otrw because of transmission that seems have problem with rtn16 and otrw.
Now I'm trying to install mypage, but I can see only a blank page (I have double checked permission).
I miss some package?
Thank you
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Dark_Shadow DD-WRT Guru Joined: 31 Aug 2009 Posts: 2448 Location: Third Rock from the Sun
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 23:44 Post subject:
Marv1n wrote: Hi,
I have a RTN16 with kingkong mog last version. I have installed optware (minimal install) without otrw because of transmission that seems have problem with rtn16 and otrw.
Now I'm trying to install mypage, but I can see only a blank page (I have double checked permission).
I miss some package?
Thank you
See MyPage (Part Deux) . or simply check to see if all the sh files start with
_________________Peacock Thread-FAQ -- dd-wrt Wiki
Testing Multiple Routers -- Bootloader Collection Project -- My Wiki
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kingsmill DD-WRT User Joined: 20 May 2008 Posts: 79
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:34 Post subject:
If you get a blank screen when accessing MyPage and you are running a late version of dd-wrt then you need to make the following changes.
1/ Edit /opt/www/S85wrtbwmon
Change the first line from #/bin/sh to #!/bin/sh
Create the directory /opt/etc/init.d/ if does not already exist and then copy /opt/www/S85wrtbwmon to /opt/etc/init.d/S85wrtbwmon.
2/ Edit all /opt/www/mp*.sh files and ensure that the first line of the file is #!/bin/sh. If not then add #!/bin/sh as the first line of the file.
These changes should resolve the MyPage blank screen.
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Marv1n DD-WRT Novice Joined: 29 Oct 2010 Posts: 15
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:03 Post subject:
kingsmill wrote: 2/ Edit all /opt/www/mp*.sh files and ensure that the first line of the file is #!/bin/sh. If not then add #!/bin/sh as the first line of the file.
Thank you! now works perfectly
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slobodan DD-WRT Guru Joined: 03 Nov 2011 Posts: 1558 Location: Zwolle
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 21:33 Post subject:
icehacker wrote: okay found a fix
Your scripts work, I only found a minor glitch, namely use in line 91 of
Code: sed -n 's/.*'size:'// p'
instead of:
Besides, I had to do:
Code: mkdir /opt/www/backup
chmod 644 /opt/www/backup
_________________ 2 times APU2 Opnsense 21.1 with Sensei
2 times RT-AC56U running DD-WRT 45493 (one as Gateway, the other as AP, both bridged with LAN cable)
3 times Asus RT-N16 shelved
E4200 V1 running freshtomato 2020.8 (bridged with LAN cable)
3 times Linksys WRT610N V2 converted to E3000 and 1 original E3000 running freshtomato 2020.8 (bridged with LAN cable)
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John Peterson DD-WRT Novice Joined: 03 Sep 2010 Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 14:39 Post subject:
mypage looks trange for me. mypage is applied with
Code: nvram set mypage_scripts="/tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/ /tmp/mypage/"
nvram commit
mkdir /tmp/mypage
cd /tmp/mypage
wget -Omypage-files-v0.16-20100129-00520.tgz
tar -xvzf mypage-files-v0.16-20100129-00520.tgz .
Update: The problem was all resources were bad links, the command below was missing
if [ -d /tmp/www ]; then rm -rf /tmp/www; fi
ln -s /tmp/mypage /tmp/www
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John Peterson DD-WRT Novice Joined: 03 Sep 2010 Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 16:17 Post subject:
Add a box to the Network page that show the number of connections per protocol, state and direction (in/out).
It's helpful if there is a need to tune the timeout settings. For example for a router that handle bittorent traffic the Code: grep -c TIME_WAIT /proc/net/ip_conntrack
grep -c ^udp /proc/net/ip_conntrack
can be too big, resulting in cat /tmp/var/log/messages | grep 'dropping packet' messages.
Add a box to the Network page that show the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_count per minute over an hour and per hour over a week.
It's important to know how many open connections it handles.
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