*NOTE: The above package is for MIPS Little Endian routers! If you own a MIPS Big Endian based router (Fonera for example) this package is not suitable for you. You need to download this one (I didn’t found any B.E MIPS toolchain in dd wrt’s server so I used the open wrt’s toolchain)
Now confirm that you have entered the path correctly
echo $PATH
Now that everything is set we are ready to compile!
Case 1.
We type
mipsel-linux-uclibc-gcc test.c –static –s –o test
*test is a name given for the example. Use your own name
Case 2.
For MIPS big Endian compiling we use
mips-linux-uclibc-gcc test.c –static –s –o test
Notice that we use –static for static links (that is needed for the executable to work standalone properly, it will increase its size) and –s to strip down the executable (it will reduce the size a bit)
That’s all…
I hope someone would find help by reading this walkthrough.
*In case I have any mistakes please point them to me so I can edit.
Hi! First of all sorry if I do a stupid question but I'm starting at this world....I want to make a C++ aplication, I got the currently toolchain from dd wrt site, and what I wonder is if have these steps maden in the desktop pc or in the router? I mean the "step1, step 2, ..." Once I make it, I must copy to the router and execute?