That's it, Bib. I will pass on some useful links later today, and I hope to write an English language how to this weekend. There is an English tutorial in a freifunk wiki, but English not the first language of the author is...
Hi Bib
Sorry I can't really tell from the info you've given why it's not working. I suspect somewhere the gateway may not be connected to the olsr network correctly and therefore you're not getting dns through the gateway's dhcp server.
It sounds like you've found a better solution anyway so I won't go into it in detail.
I found that olsr worked fine if all the routers were joined with cable but there does appear to be some problem when you use DD-WRT in Ad-hoc wireless mode and everything slows right down.
For me it was only a test exercise so I'd prefer to discontinue my input to this thread.
Thanks for your interest / scriv
Latest packages. Different from the no longer working built in link in the older freifunk I'm running. Copy and paste into the appropriate box in the System page:
Well, I've been distracted for quite a while but I've managed to spend some quality time on building an OLSR mesh, and I think I have it cracked. It's actually pretty simple when you know what you're doing. I've managed to use Buffalo WHR-HP-AG108 routers where the wireless-A provides the mesh backbone with the B/G providing client access. I even have it backboned on wired connections too.
Just to dispel any rumours about it only working on Buffalo routers, I've had it working just fine on Netgears too.
I will have to document what I've done for work, and when this is complete, I'll effectively cut and paste a step-by-step guide and udpdate the wiki, but don't expect this for a while. Suffice to say, the current wiki article only gives you half the information.
I searched how to set up the dd-wrt OLSR router(s) that works as the gateway to Internet. I mean how to setup the interfaces. Do I have to create a static route?
Because with Freifunk I didn't reach neither to make port forwarding to manage the routers inside the olsr network from the outside internet (maybe changing the https port), nor using WPA2 within the olsr network. _________________ ): FoReVeR nEwB