I have OLSR working - what now?

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Joined: 12 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 14:22    Post subject: Reply with quote

only uses 1.2 megs. run it on neutered routers.

setup in minutes. works right out of the box, no command line gibberish.

plenty of packages. easy to install firmware and packeges.

connect internet by plugging in a router with a DHCP server and Internet. no configuration necessary.

freifunk has its own DHCP server, so you only need one IP from the ISP.

you can plug in multiple ISPs, one per router.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 15:12    Post subject: Reply with quote
Nice new Very Happy ... unfortunatly, the site is all in german language and I can't find the dl link.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 15:46    Post subject: Reply with quote
Cool! I found it http://download.berlin.freifunk.net/ipkg/_g+gl/
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 16:44    Post subject: Reply with quote
That's it, Bib. I will pass on some useful links later today, and I hope to write an English language how to this weekend. There is an English tutorial in a freifunk wiki, but English not the first language of the author is...

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 20:30    Post subject: Reply with quote
Hi Bib
Sorry I can't really tell from the info you've given why it's not working. I suspect somewhere the gateway may not be connected to the olsr network correctly and therefore you're not getting dns through the gateway's dhcp server.
It sounds like you've found a better solution anyway so I won't go into it in detail.
I found that olsr worked fine if all the routers were joined with cable but there does appear to be some problem when you use DD-WRT in Ad-hoc wireless mode and everything slows right down.
For me it was only a test exercise so I'd prefer to discontinue my input to this thread.
Thanks for your interest / scriv

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:57    Post subject: Reply with quote
Freifunk links what don't stink:

The rather confused English Language instructions. Not really necessary, it's intuitive if you know networks:


Latest packages. Different from the no longer working built in link in the older freifunk I'm running. Copy and paste into the appropriate box in the System page:


Degrees - Minutes - Seconds calculator. If you are going to put your GPS coordinates into the System page, this will be helpful.


An explanation of MET-1MEST-2,M3.3.0,M10.5.0:


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 13:39    Post subject: Reply with quote
Thank you all for your answers.
ad5mb I'm in a hurry to read your links.
I did it (at home only at the moment): http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=249349#249349

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:53    Post subject: Reply with quote
ad5mb wrote:
Freifunk links what don't stink:

The rather confused English Language instructions. Not really necessary, it's intuitive if you know networks:


Is it the tuto you talked about in your previous message?

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 13:20    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I've been distracted for quite a while but I've managed to spend some quality time on building an OLSR mesh, and I think I have it cracked. It's actually pretty simple when you know what you're doing. I've managed to use Buffalo WHR-HP-AG108 routers where the wireless-A provides the mesh backbone with the B/G providing client access. I even have it backboned on wired connections too.

Just to dispel any rumours about it only working on Buffalo routers, I've had it working just fine on Netgears too.

I will have to document what I've done for work, and when this is complete, I'll effectively cut and paste a step-by-step guide and udpdate the wiki, but don't expect this for a while. Suffice to say, the current wiki article only gives you half the information.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 15:27    Post subject: Reply with quote
I'm waiting for your missing half so much... could you although give me a track Idea ? Maybe with that I'll be able to work further on my own.

Bye bye

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 19:06    Post subject: Reply with quote
Is it the tuto you talked about in your previous message?

My freifunk tutorial ain't happening until I get a fresh router to put it on. I intend to start from Linksys firmware and screen capture every change.

Here is an English language tutorial written by Texans, who speak something like English:


note that the links to the firmware are a little out of date.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 20:12    Post subject: Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:43    Post subject: Reply with quote
I searched how to set up the dd-wrt OLSR router(s) that works as the gateway to Internet. I mean how to setup the interfaces. Do I have to create a static route?
Because with Freifunk I didn't reach neither to make port forwarding to manage the routers inside the olsr network from the outside internet (maybe changing the https port), nor using WPA2 within the olsr network.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 0:41    Post subject: Reply with quote
I have been trying to setup 2 routers following sasha's tutorial on 2 routers with Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/21/09) build 12533

The asus 500 gp v1 uses the mega version
The linksys wrt GL v2 uses the standard version

Both of these routers are olsr router mode only which then connect to another router which is the wan gateway.

for some reason i cannot get olsrd to run and by consequence i can't access http://lan-wired-ip:8080.

My question is simple.
Are these tutorials still updated with the current firmware versions or not?

I was able to get the olsrd page before with the previous firmware.

What has changed (if something).
Does anyone have olsrd working with the current firmware ?
If so post your confs and or settings.

Thanks Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:14    Post subject: Reply with quote
It is a reported bug:
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