DD-WRT terms analogous to OpenWRT concepts?

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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 29 Jul 2024
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 17:10    Post subject: DD-WRT terms analogous to OpenWRT concepts? Reply with quote
I'm coming from OpenWRT as it doesn't support the five R7000P I got at a business closeout sale. What I use heavily in OpenWRT are:

1. VLAN tagging to multiplex multiple subnets over a single ethernet cable
2. Tagged and untagged traffic on the same port (usually WAN, so the router's "smart" with the backhaul that gets connected to the WAN port)
3. Multiple SSIDs on the same radios (Guest, IOT and Main over 2.4 and 5Ghz radios)
4. Clients from Main can access GUI/SSH but Guest, IOT cannot
5. Clients Guest, IOT are subject to SQM bandwidth limiting
6. Clients Guest, IOT are isolated (this AP option I saw in DD-WRT so I'm less concerned about finding it but it would still be good to know some tips and gotchas)
7. Fast transition and roaming to allow clients to seamlessly roam across multiple APs spread over 6000sqft

What are the terms and concepts for these in DD-WRT?

For example, is #3 called "Virtual AP" (VAP)?

For #1, I do see support for VLAN tagging in the GUI but it would help to read some more articles and guides - same for 2-7

Joined: 07 Jun 2006
Posts: 1865
Location: WV, USA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:02    Post subject: Reply with quote
Everything in your list is (or may be) possible in DD-WRT. Your best bet is to just install it on one of those routers and start clicking away (there is also the Entware option).

The only things I see that may be not supported are:

- FT roaming on Broadcom. While it is supported on Atheros routers, I do not believe it is on BDCM. Someone please correct me if this is incorrect. There are however, workarounds to obtain similar results.

- While you can have tagged and untagged VLANs on the same port, the GUI doesn't support it. You would have to set that up via swconfig in your startup.

And yes, multi-SSIDs is called VAPs in dd-wrt.

For multiple VLAN setup examples, go to the Advanced Networking thread and look into the stickies at the top.

- Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.

- Forum member #248
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