Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 17:55 Post subject: HDD not mounting on USB 3.
Hello everybody,
I use the r55678 x86 registered version on an MSI AM1I m/b with USB2.0 and USB3.0 ports.
Unfortunately USB HD Drives are recognized only when I mount them on USB 2.0.(attached pic)
The most annoying problem with NTFS:
If monting NTFS fails e.g. after rebooting DD-WRT, the NTFS-partition is marked as dirty and cannot be mounted anymore. You have to connect the NTFS drive/Stick to a Windows-PC and do a chkdsk or do
ntfsfix -d
on DD-WRT what I added to my startup-script.
So I disabled the automount-Option and mount my two ext4 and one NTFS via startup-script.
Mounting more than one partition it's more save to use UUIDs.
Thank you once more for the answer.
I have checked the USB3 settings in BIOS and I formatted again my USB HDDs as ext4 but still nothing.
Moreover when UBUNTU runs on the same machine the aforementioned HHDs are mounted even when connected on USB3.