After I flashed from Netgear stock firmware to current firmware (which was /betas/2024/03-19-2024-r55416/ or /betas/2024/01-02-2024-r54682/) the HTTPD service kept crashing. It would stay up for about 2 mins, then crash again.
the fix was to ssh in as root and run erase nvram && reboot
Now that the gui is stable, I went to setup OVPN server as per my normal setup. The OVPN server would not stay up. I kept getting messages like
"dco_new_key: netlink reports error (-10): Operation not supported"
when the client would try to connect..
Also the ovpn server would crash.
this was on both of the current levels.
Flashed the router back to /2023/06-02-2023-r52869/
NO changes to my OVPN server or client config, and all is well.
This is the same ovpn client and server config that I run on other R7K's and one R8K
Joined: 08 May 2018 Posts: 14835 Location: Texas, USA
Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 21:36 Post subject:
Topic moved to hardware-specific forum (for now). I'm sure if you had read the documentation in the Advanced Networking forum, you would've figured out how to be on the current release without issues with OpenVPN.