Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:56 Post subject: New Build - 04/08/2022 - r48607
Welcome to Marvell r48607 beta release thread for reporting, feedback to developers and community benefit.
Please do not flash builds until installation is understood, risks involved and device specificrecovery methods.
Avoid discussions, create threads for questions, general problems or use search; this thread is not for support.
Please list router model & revision, operating & wireless mode(s) and exact filename/firmware image flashed.
Issues, observations, and/or workarounds reported:
• WebUI: Clear history or use a portable. Temporary cache bypass: Ctrl+F5, Cmd+Shift+R or new private window/incognito.
• Please report findings with steps needed to reproduce, configuration, clients, output, logs and important information below!
• Detail issues & relevant configs, logs: syslog klog 'dmesg' 'cat /tmp/var/log/messages' nvram set console_debug=1, serial.
• Firewall NAT: 'iptables -vnL' 'iptables -t nat -vnL' 'iptables -t mangle -vnL' & 'cat /tmp/.ipt'. Misc: stracetcpdumpwireshark.
• Gremlins: reboot. cold boot. Reset & reconfigure not restore backup. Search Trac & discuss in forum before opening tickets.
• Include operating & wireless modes (e.g. Gateway, Router, AP, CB, WDS, Mesh) and applicable configurations to reproduce.
update with Firefox from r48567
no reset
no error
- update works good without any problems
- VPN WireGuard
- CRON "delete directories older > x Days, created by 3xWebCams (stored on128GB SSD)"
- Port Forwarding
- Samba
- WLAN offline, I use UniFi AP AC LITE as access Point!
- Lan
all OK without error, Thank You for the good work !!!!
Router/Version: WRT1900AC 5 File/Kernel: r48607
Previous/Reset: r48567/no reset
Mode/Status: OpenVPN client, ftpd, dnscrypt-proxy
Issues/Errors: Router doesn't connect to VPN any longer. It's a remote router, so I cannot get to it. Users are reporting that they cannot connect to the router. It's been rebooted several times.