DIR-895L Performance Issue

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 14:20    Post subject: DIR-895L Performance Issue Reply with quote

I am new to DD-WRT.

I flashed my D-Link DIR-895L to the latest DD-WRT and i was suprised that the WiFi was not performing very well.

With D-Link stock firmware i got aroud 1200 Mbit/s on my Samsung Galaxy S8 when I was standing next to the Router.

With DD-WRT I just get around 200-300 Mbit/s.

I think this is a configuration error from my site and I hope somebody can help me.

All of the WLAN Radios have the same SSID with the same password.

What can I do that my router is performing as well as with stock firmware? I have tried to configure Beamforming but this has not helped.

I hope my English is not too bad Smile

Thank you!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 15:44    Post subject: Re: DIR-895L Performance Issue Reply with quote
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
I flashed my D-Link DIR-895L to the latest DD-WRT and i was suprised that the WiFi was not performing very well.
Recent builds have had issues w/ wireless, largely driven by significant Broadcom wireless driver changes due to the krack vulnerabilty, which really only affects repeater and client modes.

First, research the new build threads, plus your router model forum thread(s) and wiki...in case the below suggestions conflict.

Did you reset and manually set up? Also, use "*-Only" Wireless Network Modes, only try "*-Mixed" or just Mixed. Don't change any Advanced wireless settings for now. If that doesn't help, try build 33772, reset and manually set up again (the latest build has made significant nvram changes). If that still doesn't help, try 33555. Finally, try the last pre-krack build 33492.

# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4
DD-WRT Novice

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 15:57    Post subject: Reply with quote
Thank you jwh7,

I did a Factory Reset on my D-Link Router, then I flashed back to an older D-Link Firmware. The next step was to flash an "older" DD-WRT Firmware and then I did an Update to the latest DD-WRT build.

Yes I think I manually set up my Router.

Sorry for beeing a DD-WRT Noob, but what you mean with "*" and Mixed mode? Do you mean the WLAN Operational Mode (b/g/n/ac)?

But I have to make give any WLAN Radio the same SSID and Password, right?

Thank you!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 16:12    Post subject: Reply with quote
Linksys firmware gives you the theoretical maximum (which you will not get often).
You have to check the real performance (iperf or simply downloading a file)
Always use WPA2 security, for maximum throughput use VHT80 and of course follow @jwh7's advice Smile

Routers:Netgear R7000, R6400v1, R6400v2, EA6900 (XvortexCFE), E2000, E1200v1, WRT54GS v1.
Install guide R6400v2, R6700v3,XR300:https://forum.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=316399
Install guide R7800/XR500: https://forum.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=320614
Forum Guide Lines (important read):https://forum.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=324087

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 16:19    Post subject: Reply with quote
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
The next step was to flash an "older" DD-WRT Firmware and then I did an Update to the latest DD-WRT build.
You need to reset after flashing the final DD build, then manually set up. Upgrades after that generally don't need to reset, however the latest build (which has now been removed) made significant nvram changes, so a reset may be needed after the -next- build.
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
Sorry for beeing a DD-WRT Noob, but what you mean with "*" and Mixed mode? Do you mean the WLAN Operational Mode (b/g/n/ac)?
The Wireless Network Mode can be Mixed, NA-Mixed, NG-Mixed (etc, that's to what "*-Mixed" refers, as the selected options depend on the hardwre), N-Only, G-Only (etc, for "*-Only").
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
But I have to make give any WLAN Radio the same SSID and Password, right?
Not sure what you mean? On the same device, you should not have the same SSID for multiple radios. Same p/w doesn't matter, but ya use WPA2-AES only, per egc. Smile
# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4
DD-WRT Novice

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 17:58    Post subject: Reply with quote
Not sure what you mean? On the same device, you should not have the same SSID for multiple radios. Same p/w doesn't matter, but ya use WPA2-AES only, per egc.

I am not sure but I think my Router has three WiFi Units (2x 5 Ghz, 1x 2.4 Ghz).

In DD-WRT I can assign different SSID's to this Units.

I am not sure how it works that my mobile phone can work above 1000 Mbit/s throughput. I thought it take multiple antennas (2.4 and 5Ghz) to reach this performance. But maybe I am completely wrong.

I have attached a Screenshot from my mobile phone.

Thank you!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 19:47    Post subject: Reply with quote
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
I am not sure but I think my Router has three WiFi Units (2x 5 Ghz, 1x 2.4 Ghz).
In DD-WRT I can assign different SSID's to this Units.
Yes it has three radios; you have a 5G on ch48, the other on Auto, and the 2.4G using N-only mode, per my earlier comments.
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
I am not sure how it works that my mobile phone can work above 1000 Mbit/s throughput.
The shown speed is driver negotiated, it doesn't mean you can actually achieve that throughput in reality. Also, make that image smaller, per forum guidelines. Smile
# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 02 Mar 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:28    Post subject: Reply with quote
I am really sorry that my screenshot is that big. That was not my intention to attach such a big picture.

I have now googled D-Link Smart Connect Technology:

The DIR just send one SSID and the Router assigns the best radio band to the Clients. And for that reason on stock firmware I have just one SSID and on DD-WRT I must configure three SSID.

Is there any reason why I should not give all three Radios the same SSID? Or should I split the networks for example in "DDWRT-2.4" and "DDWRT-5"

In my previous post I thought my Wifi devices connect with multiple bands, but this was a complete nonsense.

Thank you!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:49    Post subject: Reply with quote
I have this router in my bottom shelf. Never worked satisfactorily and I gave up 6months ago. There are several old threads on this. I was holding on to this to use it a repeater bridge some day. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 13:49    Post subject: Reply with quote
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
Is there any reason why I should not give all three Radios the same SSID? Or should I split the networks for example in "DDWRT-2.4" and "DDWRT-5"

jwh7 wrote:
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
But I have to make give any WLAN Radio the same SSID and Password, right?
Not sure what you mean? On the same device, you should not have the same SSID for multiple radios. Same p/w doesn't matter, but ya use WPA2-AES only, per egc. Smile
On different devices, you can have the same SSID for roaming, but not on the same device.
Similar reason as why parents don't give all their kids the same name. Smile

# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 02 Mar 2018
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 15:15    Post subject: Reply with quote
Ok thank you,

now I understand (I hope) this configuration issue.

The Smart Connect Technology from D-Link will act as some kind of "Wifi Relay Server"...

When I switch to DD-WRT then it is the best way to configure 50% of my 5Ghz-Devices to 5Ghz Band "A" and the other 50% to Band "B".

Am I right?

Thank you once again.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 17:49    Post subject: Reply with quote
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
The Smart Connect Technology from D-Link will act as some kind of "Wifi Relay Server"...
A three second search finds this: http://blog.dlink.com/what-is-smart-connect-technology/ Razz
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
When I switch to DD-WRT then it is the best way to configure 50% of my 5Ghz-Devices to 5Ghz Band "A" and the other 50% to Band "B".
Lower channels aren't allowed as high power (thus better range) in the US (last I knew), but can achieve higher speed (VHT160). Ref: N/AC channel graph
e.g. You could have one setup on the lower frequencies at a faster channel bonding speed (VHT160 if available) for nearby devices, and setup the other for the higher frequencies at VHT80 (if available). Or use it as a guest account...

# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 18:09    Post subject: Reply with quote
jwh7 wrote:
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
Is there any reason why I should not give all three Radios the same SSID? Or should I split the networks for example in "DDWRT-2.4" and "DDWRT-5"

jwh7 wrote:
Inf1n1ty__ wrote:
But I have to make give any WLAN Radio the same SSID and Password, right?
Not sure what you mean? On the same device, you should not have the same SSID for multiple radios. Same p/w doesn't matter, but ya use WPA2-AES only, per egc. Smile
On different devices, you can have the same SSID for roaming, but not on the same device.
Similar reason as why parents don't give all their kids the same name. Smile

Actually I don't think neither the advise nor the analogy works in this case.
Giving the same SSID to different radios is completely normal, and it's mostly used for when you are outside the 5ghz range it would change to 2.4 and viceversa when closer.

The reason why you would want it to be separate is for having more control on what device is on which radio, like I use my phone with 2.4 because I don't need bandwidth but range, and the fire TV stick uses 5ghz.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 18:21    Post subject: Reply with quote
Xeon2k8 wrote:
Actually I don't think neither the advise nor the analogy works in this case.
That was based on many DD threads I've read where wireless issues were solved by not using a replicated SSID on a device. I guess if it works w/o issue, than no problem; I've never tried it. Easy enough to see if it does resolve a problem though. Smile
# NAT/SFE/CTF: limited speed w/ DD # Repeater issues # DD-WRT info: FAQ, Builds, Types, Modes, Changes, Demo #
OPNsense x64 5050e ITX|DD: DIR-810L, 2*EA6900@1GHz, R6300v1, RT-N66U@663, WNDR4000@533, E1500@353,
|FreshTomato: F7D8302@532|OpenWRT: F9K1119v1, RT-ACRH13, R6220, WNDR3700v4

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 21:11    Post subject: Reply with quote
jwh7 wrote:
Xeon2k8 wrote:
Actually I don't think neither the advise nor the analogy works in this case.
That was based on many DD threads I've read where wireless issues were solved by not using a replicated SSID on a device. I guess if it works w/o issue, than no problem; I've never tried it. Easy enough to see if it does resolve a problem though. Smile

That's true Smile

R6400v2 (boardID:30) - Kong 36480 running since 03/09/18 - (AP - DNSMasq - AdBlocking - QoS)
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