Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:13 Post subject: ASUS WL-520GU Successful flash!
The WL-520GU is very easy to flash to DD-WRT but keep in mind that it contains the newer Broadcom 5354 chip which requires a special version of DD-WRT. The 5354 is also the chip inside the Buffalo WHR-G125. I own a WHR-G125 and it works great with DD-WRT.
Here are the steps to a successful flash:
2 additional files need to be down loaded to perform the procedure. (Right click on the links and use "save link as"):
1. Set PC IP manually to ( gateway)
2. Unplug power cord from wl-500gu.
3. Press and hold restore button and then insert power cord back into router. When the PWR light starts flashing, release Restore button. Now your wl-500gu is in restore mode.
4. Run Asus Firmware Restoration utility (can be found on asus website or included cd)
5. Choose the wl500g-clear-nvram.trx file and upload it to the router.
6. After the upoad successful message, repeat steps 2 and 3. (the router will not reboot on it's own)
7. Choose the wl500g-recover.trx file and also upload it to your router.
8. After the upoad successful message, repeat steps 2 and 3. (the router will not reboot on it's own)
9. Select a DD-WRT firmware file to upload into the router. The router should reboot after the upload. I am using the file: dd-wrt.v24_generic_nokaid.bin located in the release candidates>RC7>Broadcom>Asus>WL520GU directory. Firmware version shows 9433.
10. Perform a hard reset by holding the reset button in while the router is under power until the router starts flashing (this will clear the nvram). The router should reboot. Enter (root/admin)
11. Reset your PC to obtain IP automatically.
12. You may need to reboot/power cycle all equipment to get everything operating properly.
Enjoy DD-WRT
USB print server function does not work even with either the EKO or Brainslayer builds (yet). Hopefully it will be supported someday. (I am a Windows user, LINUX users may have it working). I would like to thank the DD-WRT authors for their hard work, thanks a ton!
Reverting back to the ASUS firmware is very easy too. Just use the above procedure and at step 9, flash in the newest ASUS firmware It's that easy.
Last edited by mucker on Sun May 04, 2008 2:33; edited 25 times in total
Actually you don't even need to bother with the clear-nvram.trx / recover.trx stuff.
I got one of these units a couple weeks ago and was able to flash directly from the stock firmware directly to one of the then-latest Eko's -535x RC6 builds using the Asus Firmware Recovery tool. Dead simple, and works great. I used a nokaid version but any of them should be fine, as long as they have -535x in the filename.
The router is definitely a nice little package; looks good, has 4 MB flash, and it only cost $45 CDN.
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 21:08 Post subject: asus 520gu wont save any settings i apply
I recently purchased a asus 520gu and installed Firmware: DD-WRT v24 RC-6 (01/02/0 std onto it using the asus firmware recovery tool. The router boots up fine, and I can login and look at everything.
There is one HUGE MAJOR problem though. If I change ANYTHING and hit apply the screen says "apllying please wait" for about ½ second then instantly goes white and I'm like wtf just happend. So I check and the settings didnt apply....... OK? So I try to do the same thing only this time I push the save button... SAME F'ING THING HAPPEND. Pure white screen and nothing saves. I have tried 4 different firmwares of DDWRT that work on this router and they all give me the same problem. Not a single setting I change will save, I cant configure a damn thing. Does anyone know why I am having this problem?
For the moment its ok because I can get on the internet, but I will run into problems shortly. I cant open ports, I cant change the transmit power, I cant put on wireless security... NOTHING !!!!! ARGHHHHHH
Yes I have read the wiki and restarted my router. I still have the same problem.....
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 0:36 Post subject: can't get the IP address
I tried the steps in OP. But I'm not getting the IP address from the router. I tried several times (steps 1-9). But can't seem to get the IP address. any clues?
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:23 Post subject: Re: can't get the IP address
gekonmission wrote:
I tried the steps in OP. But I'm not getting the IP address from the router. I tried several times (steps 1-9). But can't seem to get the IP address. any clues?
Set your PC to use static IP address, eg.
Believe me when I say that steps 5-8 are completely unnecessary for the 520gu. That stuff was to address some quirk with the older wl-500g. The wl-520gu works perfectly fine if you skip it.
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 15:32 Post subject: wl-520gu
Thanks for reply guys. It's a brick now . I tried to set this up as bridge for my DLink WBR 1310 and I powered off (while trying reboot when changed the IP of WL520gu). I never seen any post saying anyone bricked the WL-520gu.
I successfully flashed my ASUS WL-520g router with ASUS tool. DD-WRT works good but WAN port is not working. When I plug cable to WAN, I can't reach the internet. With LAN I can reach.
I successfully flashed my ASUS WL-520g router with ASUS tool. DD-WRT works good but WAN port is not working. When I plug cable to WAN, I can't reach the internet. With LAN I can reach.
Try build 9300_NEWD or Branslayer 9307. (downloads -> others-> eko... )
Or set