Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:11 Post subject: FON NEW KERNEL >= SPECIAL FLASH METHOD
For most firmwares, you an follow your favorite method of flashing and come out okay. changes all of that. For DD-WRT the same flash instructions can still be used EVEN NOW WITH THE kernel versions.
As for Openwrt images with or later (potentially) kernels, the kernel file is several kilobytes bigger than usual, and more space needs to be allocated to the kernel (lzma) file on the flash via redboot commands.
SO here's a quick guide to flashing for both pre-kernel-enlargement and post-kernel enlargement firmwares if you want to do it the old-fashioned way.
< (all DD-WRT firmwares and most Openwrt firmwares)
Method ONE:
USE the fonera-flash-gui software above with winpcap (the easy way)
For the Freifunk flash utility you will have to rename your files to bin (root.fs) or lzma (vmlinux.bin.l7) extensions to get them to load for DD-WRT fimwares.
If you are seeing only a dialup adaptor or otherwise, you need to update to winPcap 4.
Method TWO:
Follow the guide below WITH THE PRE- REDBOOT COMMANDS
>= (new Openwrt firmwares)
Method ONE:
Use the fonera-flash-gui software above with winpcap
For the Freifunk flash utility you will have to rename your files to bin or lzma to get them to load for DD-WRT fimwares.
Method TWO:
Set your networking card to IP: (the "166" can be any legitimate IP number but 254) gateway, dns Plug a networking cable from your fon into your PC.
Host the image files with tftpd32 ( ) or pumpkin ( ). You'll want the files in the same directory as the uploader application (I use tftpd32). Which files do I mean?...
for DD-WRT:
for OpenWrt:
Start the TFTP application and make sure it's setup to the right IP address (
If you JUST installed redboot and its out.hex configuration file, you will not have to catch Redboot before it loads a firmware, it will be waiting for you.
If you need to catch it:
Run cmd.exe in windows, type in "ping" but don't hit enter yet. Pull up Putty and set it to TELNET and then port 9000, but don't connect yet. Unplug the foneras power, plug it back in, and as so soon as your network cards LEDs light up, press enter on the cmd command prompt window to ping (this is after a few seconds, if you use a switch in-between the lights will already be on). As soon as the "no route to host" lines end and the you start getting replies, immediately connect with Putty. You'll have redboot waiting, quickly hit Ctrl-C to stop it from going anywhere.
Now that you have access to Redboot (if you had serial access you would have been here 20 minutes ago), type in the following commands ONE-BY-ONE
(FOR or greater kernel-based firmwares)
Note that if you are loading openwrt the first 'fis create' command can take up to 45 minutes, be patient, IT WON'T CRASH ON YOU.
Note that these instructions work with both fon2100 and fon2200 models, so feel at ease that there is finally a unified flashing guide. You'll need to have followed one of the fon hacking guides to have either enabled SSH or used the serial port to install Redboot (kolofonium hack still works, but you need to permanently enable SSH once kolofonium temporarily grants it to you: ) before you can follow the above instructions, because RedBoot is an essential component. If you have upgraded to 32MB of RAM then search for the special Redboot image in the DD-WRT forum (32MB mod thread). It will not affect the above instructions.
To flash my firmware onto a Meraki Mini, you'll need the special kernel in the meraki_mini folder AND the openwrt-atheros-2.6-root.jffs2-64k root filesystem from the fonera folder.
Last edited by meltyblood on Thu Aug 30, 2007 21:43; edited 12 times in total
NOW, the new kernel is in DD-WRT. Almost ALL of my Openwrt packages should be compatible, although the closed filesystem of DD-WRT might still be a hinderance (packages like madwifi shouldn't work since another madwifi is already in dd-wrt, there might be a way around this).
You can use wget to download them directly to your router.]
Patched Madwifi-ng, MDK3, CIFS, Aircrack-ng, aircrack-ptw, kmod-gpio, the X-wrt webinterface, bwm, and several other neat features are built-in. NOW ONLY THE MMC DRIVER NEEDS TO BE INSTALLED TO USE MMC, and a kismet config is prewritten in /etc/kismet. Many new scripts and functions have been added.[/b]
The Freifunk flasher looks pretty advanced (there is a new version by the way, it's on my site). Note that in order for it to work, you need to have the ethernet cable connected between your fon and the ethernet card and you must press "Go!" button (in the Windows GUI version) BEFORE you plug the power cable into your fon. You still need Redboot on it, remember that. It works with the latest DD-WRT (nothing's changed), and should work with the new OpenWRT. This is a great way to painlessly switch between the two. Just plug it in and load. If you don't like the firmware, load again. The Redboot install is only necessary once unless you upgrade your ram to 32MB. Remember that the Freifunk meshing firmware is built into the flasher, so if you just press "Go!" without selecting any images you will flash that.
If it warns you about hostapd, ignore it, the webif still doesn't detect hostapd-mini
For ipkg storage on mount point 1 with mounted CIFs, 'ipkg -d cifs install [package]'. For mount points 2-9, replace cifs with 'cifs[number]'. You must run mountcifs to create the mount script first. Run it again to select the correct mount script. _________________
Last edited by meltyblood on Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:19; edited 16 times in total
Is this using the webif X-WRT?
Is it finished ?
I know it was being done but not complete _________________ wireless link @ 76 km
Yes that's right. The webif version is 3.3.x. It hasn't changed it in a little while. This is the latest stuff from svn. I have uploaded a third revision of the firmware with custom mount scripts and airoscript (as well as custom banners, there is a DD-WRT banner in there, see /etc/banner/helpguide.txt). To see all banners, use this command: "cat /etc/banners/*", use "cat /etc/banners/* | more" if you want to scroll through them. I promised predone X-wrt configurations, but that's practically spoon-feeding. If you can't manage a GUI, well, I'm not sure where to begin. I will keep the openwrt stuff to a minimum from now on unless someone puts in a request. I don't want to run the tangent beyond reason. If anyone can recommend a stable and relatively high-bandwidth place to post files, please do. I'm very tired of hosting sites (tripod is the worst) stripping-off what you put on. _________________
Last edited by meltyblood on Sun Jun 24, 2007 16:25; edited 6 times in total
Interesting, but isn't this the dd-wrt forum and aren't we still on the kernel ? So what the heck ? And why are you pushing the open-wrt fw here ? In my opinion this should be on the open-wrt forum not here...
I knew that was coming. DD-WRT and OpenWRT are highly related. This thread presents a fluid means of switching between 3 different firmwares (not including firmwares not mentioned here), so that one can use Atheros hardware in new ways. As OpenWrt and DD-WRT get more and more similar, the DD-WRT platform picks up more applications. _________________
Comment acknowledged. I have several tablets and a subnotebook I used to use for "mobile security analysis". They have since been replaced by my handful of foneras. There are many neat packages immediately available that can make this a bit more interesting (and I can port others), but everything starts with storage. Cifs (networked storage) is an option, but SD/MMC cards mean operation without a computer attached which is a nice extra. I have the SD and Cifs drivers compiled (there are a set of packages to install) which you will need. Remember that I can store up to three files per post.
On the DD-WRT side of things, I've downloaded the sources from SVN. That's around six gigabytes of unexpected files, quite a lot of resources to sort through. Most of that is for platforms I have no experience with. It must have been a full hour and a half before the x-scale sources finished. I can't promise anything for DD-WRT except hardware tips and software, it might take me a while to grasp enough to build drivers with it.
I am currently rewiring the SD-card on my fon2200. It wasn't difficult to get it functioning with the fon2100, but the 2200 is very stubborn. I have four GPIOs, and I've built the driver to use the right ones, but the card doesn't mount. I'm trying different pin arrangements with the driver, but nothing's really happening yet. It seems that at least one of the GPIOs might be a bit different in profile. Perhaps it can't switch fast enough. I wonder if the reset button gpio (6) has a hardware debounce in (terms of capacitors and resistors). It isn't likely, but this is odd behavior.
SD and CIFS packages below. These are in ZiP files!
When attaching a SD card for the first time:
Watch the router leds. Dimming or unexpected inactivity can spell trouble
Hold the free end of the card between two fingers. If it gets warm or hot, pull out the card immediately (and check you wiring afterward). _________________
Last edited by meltyblood on Mon Jun 18, 2007 20:11; edited 2 times in total
For the fon2200, use this: (-)762. This means ground/(-)=Chip Select/SD pin 1 (BEWARE: the first pin that is lower than the others near the notch is pin 9, which is not used), gpio7 is SD pin 2, gpio6 is SD pin 5, and gpio2 is SD pin 7. Pin 8, which is placed very close to 7, is not used. This is NOT the only arrangement that will work. GPIO 1 is Chip select, which activates the card when applied to GND, and since the fonera has only three easily accessible GPIOs, we will want to leave GPIO 5 for more important things. The attached driver uses the configuration 14-7-6-2. Ignore gpio14. It is not on the board and you do not need it. Attach gpio7 (power LED resistor), gpio2 (wifi LED resistor), and gpio6 (reset button--end nearer to the LEDs) only in addition to power and ground.
ASCII depiction in this forum is limited due to text shifting.
/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 78
/ 9
For the Fon2100 the pinout is explained here:
If that site goes down, I'll write my own version. _________________
Last edited by meltyblood on Mon Jun 18, 2007 20:13; edited 5 times in total
Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 191 Location: Aachen (NRW)
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 13:37 Post subject:
Hello meltyblood,
I`m sort of confused right now
Until now I was a DD-WRT user with the Fonera from the very beginning.
Now as certain limitations (no CIFS, SD support, some nice tools are missing, etc.) I started looking for alternatives and I came along your postings.
But what exactly do I need to have e.g. CIFS on DD-WRT, or do I need OPENWRT for this and which of your packages can be used for what firmware.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate your work! Could you just make some sort of a list for dummies what is required for which solution in some list, like
DD-WRT + CIFS + Tools == this package
OPENWRT with kernely xyz + CIFS + SD .... == that package
CIFs and SD support require special drivers. Drivers are always kernel-specific. I have to use the kernel (subversion gives me the latest one), I don't have anything else to compile with right now. Is anyone aware of an OpenWRT kernel matching
Eventuallly, DD-WRT should support CIFS and MMC/SD cards. The latest version is proof of that, as it lists MMC, CIFs, and JFFS (JFFS is already present) to show mount status. But it could be several months before CIFS and MMC come to task. I don't advocate it, but you can flash now to a version of OpenWrt to try out certain functions you want in ~30 minutes of your spare time (one-click flashing), and flash back when DD-WRT hits the next milestone. Foneras are somewhere between free and $20 (use invites). I would recommend flashing some foneras with DD-WRT and some with other firmwares of your choice. when you go to make a paypal payment (I also don't advocate paying FON), try to add a request for a fon2200 instead of the 2100. I understand that the paypal page that comes up doesn't have space for a message, but if you send the payment slightly differently you might get an opportunity. The fon2200 practically runs cold, meaning additional power savings and longer system life. _________________
Im currently trying your OpenWrt(posted above) and i tried installing the mmc packages using the webif. Is this the right way to do it?
Because the sdcard wount mount any way. Have doublechecked the soldering and even removed the caps as it was written on the page you linked to.
Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 191 Location: Aachen (NRW)
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:58 Post subject:
....and I did my first tries with your openWRT packages. Got it installed with the auto patch program from Freifunk. That worked like a charm
The aircrack suite is at least able to start. Haven't yet tried packet injection though.
My question:
After installing your CIFS packaged I wasn't able to mount stuff. Error message:
mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)
Any ideas?
Speaking of the SD card thingy. Has anyone a good and brief installation instruction for the soldering part, the driver part etc. on openWRT?