Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 18:55 Post subject: Aircrack-ng on La Fonera w/ DD-WRT
Has anyone successfully been able to do this?
So far my attempts have been less then perfect and this would be my first time to run aircrack-ng
What ive done so this
1. First i logged into the router
2. Go to the Administrator tab and enabled jffs2 support
3. Then enable the clean the jffs2 partition aswell
4. telnet into the router- some reason i can't SSH but its enabled?
5. 'ipkg list' the list of ipkg's available
6. For the La Fonera Firmware no packages are available so you have to manually install one
7. I then install one by useing 'ipkg install packagename' so in this case it would be
but i can never get it to copy to the temp/ram/root directory its like i don't have write ability? What can i do?
Should i do a mkdir temp and use wget ?
Used your tips and when I try to run airodump-ng my fonera freezes and then reboots. It also reboots when I run ifconfig mon0 up. Have you seen this before??
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 23:16 Post subject: Packet Injection?
Got aircrack running, but it doesn't look like the mad-wifi drivers are setup to inject packets. See the attached screenshot of airodump-ng and aireplay-ng running:
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:26 Post subject: How did you get it to stop crashing?
I got it working. But the binaries I used before were bad. -Edit: The newer aircrack-ng versions have been changed to adapt to a madwifi-ng problem. This aircrack-ng works with madwifi-ng (madwifi 0.9.x accepts either one + other applications like MDK3 and airpwn ). I DID NOTICE SOMETHING IMPORTANT. Channel switching (sometimes) causes problems with some nonstandard (outside of 1,6,11) channels. Airodump seems to stop recieving information (in fact the wireless interface completely chokes) sometimes if I let it run on all of the available channels (it helps to use client mode, physical lan port to make sure you don't get kicked when the interface chokes). I have to use "ifconfig mon0 down" then "ifconfig mon0 up" to get the wireless ready again. This probably has to do with Madwifi-ng. Have all of the necessary patches been applied?
Last edited by meltyblood on Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:15; edited 1 time in total
So this is the sequence of events to how i installed but..
I ran/started the HFS Http Server. Once it was running I added the aircrack-np
package to be shared on the Http server. Then I logged into telnet screen and
went into the tmp directory where I could copy the ipk package
Then what do i need to do? I took some screen shots as well but when i did a
ipkg list it did not show any installed packages? Do i install both the packages because i just installed aircrack-ng.
There is no need to run a server. The router can download stuff right from the internet by itself, and WinSCP + Putty are the best file transfer and communication tools. Putty now support communication over serial meaning it's a hyperterminal replacement.
Make sure libpthread is installed! I'm still looking for MDK2 or MDK3 for DD-WRT for the fonera. I have an openwrt version but it doesn't work in DD-WRT for some reason. Read my post about it crashing the router. Too bad since it's better than aircrack.