Recommended Best Firmware to put in a Buffalo WZR-1750DHPD

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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 14 May 2008
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 23:58    Post subject: Recommended Best Firmware to put in a Buffalo WZR-1750DHPD Reply with quote
Any suggestions or links to the best Firmware I should put in my WZR-1750DHPD?

I had some issues today when I flashed my DD-WRT version with the fing DHP version and when I got home found out that you can't flash back the other way. So I have managed to get a version of DD-WRT on it using the factory-to-dd-wrt.bin. But I was having speed issues with the N Band and I read some other posts of people talking about firmware builds I wasn't familiar with, that had increased speeds, but no links.

Kong version ?

Kong-AC build r24045M

And others, what are these and where can I get them if they offer improved performance and speeds over the factory Buffalo version V24sp2-23709a?
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 10 Nov 2014
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:26    Post subject: What speed issues withvthe N band? Reply with quote
I'm curious about your speed issues with the N band. My wzr-1750dhpd gets 65 Mbps and 72 Mbps connections when some of my clients will handle 150 Mbps.
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 10 Nov 2014
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 13:10    Post subject: I should say my wzr-1750dhpd only gives me... Reply with quote
To be very specific, I am only able to get connection speeds of:
- 2.4 Ghz 802.11n = 65 Mbps
- 5.0 Ghz 802.11n = 72 Mbps
- 5.0 Ghz 802.11ac = 144 Mbps (and sometimes 200 Mpbs)

And that's standing next to the router, or 20 feet away...
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