JTAG recovery of a WNDR3700v3

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DD-WRT Novice

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 23:38    Post subject: JTAG recovery of a WNDR3700v3 Reply with quote
Hi there. I received a WNDR3700v3 from a friend today that was entirely bricked. He said he tried some DD-WRT build from an unofficial dd-wrt site and now I am unable to even ping the router even with a static ip. What are the jtag recovery options for this router as there is no helpful information I can locate using google. I have taken a picture of the board so you guys can have a better look. I have flashed a Microsoft MN-700 (which requires soldering) and have some experience soldering on other devices so please advise.

EDIT: I uploaded the pic to imgshack instead of posting it as an attachment because its too big:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:57    Post subject: Reply with quote

Look little past half way down.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 23:43    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have checked the site and there are details for a 14 pin header but the wndr3700v3 only has a 12 pin header on J14. This is why I attached a picture. Thank you so much for your attempt at helping me.

Any other suggestions?

Also: Sorry for the late reply, I didnt have "Notify me when a reply is posted" checked. I will reply more promptly from now on.

Thank you!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 0:51    Post subject: Reply with quote
checkm8 wrote:

I have checked the site and there are details for a 14 pin header but the wndr3700v3 only has a 12 pin header on J14. This is why I attached a picture.

google 12-pin jtag connector

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 22:59    Post subject: Reply with quote
If you want to debrick this unit, you can use JP1 and attach a USB-TTL Adapter to it, E.g. FTDI USB-TTL TTL-232R-3V3

Black => Pin 6

Yellow => Pin 5

Orange => Pin 2

Pin 6 is where it reads JP1

Then use putty to connect using:

Speed = 115200
Data bits = 8
Stop bits = 1
Parity and Flow = none

KONG PB's: http://www.desipro.de/ddwrt/
KONG Info: http://tips.desipro.de/
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:06    Post subject: Did it work Reply with quote
Hi... I know it is quite old but I have the same exact problem with this wndr3700v3. Did you repair it ?

I've ordered a cable usb/serial to do it... I'll see and post my result here.

Thanks !

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:45    Post subject: Reply with quote
I have a WNDR3700v3 and have a very different looking board. Pic Here: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ujqMvPsT-s4/Uzo0LGVozbI/AAAAAAAAGM8/_G6Oq2mQ0KI/w826-h553-no/IMG_20140331_195447_445.jpg

J1 is a group of 4 rectangular pads. J14 is a 6 pin unpopulated header as is J2. The SoC is a Broadcom BCM4718A.

Which is the serial pinout and for that matter which is the JTAG pinout? I'm adept in the use of a multimeter if that is helpful.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 14:33    Post subject: Reply with quote
Hi, my board also is different from yours :

Here are some pics of my jtag flash process


You can see that I used the JP1 where pin#6 is on top (closest to JP1 id). I used the pin #2, #5 and #6. It was a lot easier to solder them from the back. To make it more easy, I used a 1/32 drill bit with my dremel and drilled the pins. It worked like a charm.

Note that this jtag connection only help to put your wndr3700v3 in recovery mode. You will still need a ethernet cable to flash your router.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 20:04    Post subject: Reply with quote
zekev wrote:
Hi, my board also is different from yours :

Here are some pics of my jtag flash process


You can see that I used the JP1 where pin#6 is on top (closest to JP1 id). I used the pin #2, #5 and #6. It was a lot easier to solder them from the back. To make it more easy, I used a 1/32 drill bit with my dremel and drilled the pins. It worked like a charm.

Note that this jtag connection only help to put your wndr3700v3 in recovery mode. You will still need a ethernet cable to flash your router.

That's not a jtag connection. That is a serial connection. Jp1 is the serial pinout.

I am far from a guru, I'm barely a novice.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 22:09    Post subject: Reply with quote
Malachi wrote:
zekev wrote:
Hi, my board also is different from yours :

Here are some pics of my jtag flash process


You can see that I used the JP1 where pin#6 is on top (closest to JP1 id). I used the pin #2, #5 and #6. It was a lot easier to solder them from the back. To make it more easy, I used a 1/32 drill bit with my dremel and drilled the pins. It worked like a charm.

Note that this jtag connection only help to put your wndr3700v3 in recovery mode. You will still need a ethernet cable to flash your router.

That's not a jtag connection. That is a serial connection. Jp1 is the serial pinout.

So on my board what is the pinout of JP1 given it has 4 pads.

EDIT: I found out the top pin is 3.3v (so that's one down)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6ABJmTXS4Q6OUdRbGFraXM4eDA/edit?usp=sharing (JP1 is to the left J14 is the "standard" header)

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 22:27    Post subject: Reply with quote
Probably the serial port. Try it. One of the will be vcc, the other ground, that will leave you with tx and rx.
I am far from a guru, I'm barely a novice.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 22:42    Post subject: Reply with quote
Malachi wrote:
Probably the serial port. Try it. One of the will be vcc, the other ground, that will leave you with tx and rx.

I'll do that and post back. Thx.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:45    Post subject: Reply with quote
bassclarinetl2 wrote:
Malachi wrote:
Probably the serial port. Try it. One of the will be vcc, the other ground, that will leave you with tx and rx.

I'll do that and post back. Thx.

That did the trick. Thx.

For the record, The top pin (call it one) is VCC and not connected to the ttl, pin 2 is GND and attached to the ttl, pins 3 and 4 are TX and RX although I forgot to record which is which before closing up.
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