Looks to me that all the usb modules are there. The fact that you are not seeing any output in the log when you plug in the usb stick tells me either the port is not working or the usb drive is simply not compatible for some reason. I'm betting on the former. Try plugging in something simple into the usb port, like a usb keyboard. Even if there are no drivers for it, it should still report something being plugged in, regardless. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
It took me a few days as I wanted to run some experiments. My best guess is the MR5500 has some crappy hardware. (I am an electrical Eng, not a networking guy so corrections welcomed). currently, neither router detects a usb drive, mouse or keyboard. however, when USB is enabled, the hard drive light does come on so it is being powered.
NOTE: I have Two of these routers I got for a song, so I am not worried if something goes drastically wrong.
For this post: I have labeled each of the routers MR5500-1, and MR5500-2. Yes boaring names, I am an Engineer so go figure.....
MR5500-1: initial Flash to DDWRT. MR5500-2 was initially left stock firmware.
MR5500-1: I re flashed the stock firmware from the wiki page and the USB was not functional anymore. the stock firmware THEN reported "ERRORDEVICENOTINMASTERNODE" and no USB detection.
MR5500-2: on stock firmware inserted a FAT32 thumb drive, and was detected. Then flashed DDWRT r59171. Quick set up - no USB detection on DDWRT...quick set up. Re flashed STOCK firmware - and then received the same error "ERRORDEVICENOTINMASTERNODE"
So - flashing DDWRT, the USB stopped working. Even re-flashing stock firmware the USB stops functioning - which is really strange. My guess is very bad design by linksys.
Doing a little digging, linksys routers have been reporting this issue "ERRORDEVICENOTINMASTERNODE" on multiple models. Often factory resetting solved the issue, but not in my case. I have never seen this before where stock firmware restoration fails to solve an issue, which makes me believe the hardware is "special" to be kind. My flashing is mainly from de-googling phones with graphine or /e/ os, not routers.
Just for the hell of it, why not try plugging in a USB hub into the port and see if that is recognized. If so, then try the USB flash drive plugged into the hub. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
Certainly is not looking good for this router and USB.
Which nvram reset procedure(s) have your tried? Obviously there is the reset button, and the software reset from the Administration tab (Factory Defaults). Have you tried erasing nvram from the command line?
nvram erase ; reboot
Try doing this on both partitions, just because it's easy to do.
EDIT: Has anybody else with a MR5500 reported any similar issues? _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
weird... had to do a 30-30-30 reset, then power off twice to get Ethernet back. Reboot and ethernet not working wifi is until I physically change ports. Now lsusb is not reporting anything again.
Putting this router away - there is obvious hardware issues, I personally believe design and chipset is a train wreck.
Should I mark this as solved or wait to see if others have issues?
I have not! I am learning DDWRT since the E2500.... Will try
Done - sorry - looked up info. How do I ensure this is done on both partitions?
Power cycle the router 3x (counting to 5 between each power cycle). On the forth power cycle the router will automatically switch boot partitions. It's a built-in fail safe.
You can also do it from the command line. First you need to see what partition you are booted from:
fw_printenv -n boot_part
then you can change to the opposite with this command:
fw_setenv boot_part N
where N is either partition 1 or 2. Then reboot the router and it will boot to the opposite partition. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
Thanks all. I found somethinginteresting since I was unable to connect the MR5500. I duplicated this twice since I had issues but wanted to repeat.
Change partitions on MR5500
hold reset for a few seconds
still holding reset button turn off router
still holding reset turn on router
about 20 seconds (counting 1 on thousand - two one thousand, etc.. so wasnt accurate count)
router will flash ALL 4 port lights (green and orange).
each time this method changed boot partition. i know because it kept flipping between 59093 and 59171 builds.
59093 was giving me connection issues, I did not trouble shoot, I flashed 59171 twice and I was able to connect again to wifi.
Set this up as a static on my main Asus Merlin Router and was able to connect as a second network. This worked for a while but has wifi connection disconnects as reported by others in seperate threads. This may make a good TOR router - may the the next thing i look up how to do once the builds are stable.
For now I think at least on the two MR5500 V1's I have the USB has been beaten to death. You have given so many hints to test. When factory reflashed gave that error, i dont know what to think (again comparing to flashing phones, but factory firmware should work without a hitch)
You are not specifying which wlan is disconnecting. Is it 2.4 or 5ghz? If it's 2.4ghz, you need to get into Advanced Settings and turn off Legacy Rates 11b. Doing this solved 100% all my disconnection issues on both MR7350 and MX4300s. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
You are not specifying which wlan is disconnecting. Is it 2.4 or 5ghz? If it's 2.4ghz, you need to get into Advanced Settings and turn off Legacy Rates 11b. Doing this solved 100% all my disconnection issues on both MR7350 and MX4300s.
Yes - you are 100% correct. I neglected to say which frequency - sorry about that. I was on 5 Ghz only, 2.4 was disabled. I had it on AX/AC/N mode only. I can test after work.
I should change thread since I have had to give up on the USB.