R9000 no longer acts as a client bridge with newer builds

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DD-WRT Novice

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 19:11    Post subject: R9000 no longer acts as a client bridge with newer builds Reply with quote
I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this: I have two Netgear R9000s that I use as client bridges. Many of the newer builds seem to break w/r/t/ my wireless being set but then not. I can see my main router - and have the correct security password. However, whenever I choose it, it seems to loose it. It's the strangest thing. If I go back and use v3.0-r51154 std (01/03/23), it works just fine. I don't know where the breakage started (well more precisely breakage for me).

I mention having two R9000s as the behavior is exactly the same on both.

I did try to search the topics here but didn't readily see anything like what I'm describing.

And, ahead of time, thank you!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 19:59    Post subject: Reply with quote
We have no idea of exact configuration details that would cause the issue, no serial logs (preferred) or syslogs.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 17:14    Post subject: Reply with quote
Fair point...and just seeing this now. Was more hoping it may "ring a bell." I'll try to flash the latest and get a dump of nvram as well as dmesg.

Is there anything else that'd be useful?

BTW - appreciate your responding to my first post Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 13:43    Post subject: Found it - sorta Reply with quote
I haven't had a chance to reflash before now. I was able to get the newer versions to work. Here is what's strange...and don't ask me how I figured this out: I had to set the firmware type to Vanilla under wireless and advanced settings (for AC).

Also, the LEDs no longer blink for the wireless bands (in this case 5 Ghz).

I don't care so much about the LEDs as I do the wireless connectivity for my client bridges.

Something additional: when trying "modprobe xfs" I see I get:

insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/4.9.337/xfs.ko': unknown symbol in module
modprobe: failed to load module xfs: No such file or directory

So my external USB SSDs are no longer readable.

Whatever else I can provide, happy to do so.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 14:01    Post subject: Re: Found it - sorta Reply with quote
sfloess wrote:
I haven't had a chance to reflash before now. I was able to get the newer versions to work. Here is what's strange...and don't ask me how I figured this out: I had to set the firmware type to Vanilla under wireless and advanced settings (for AC).

Also, the LEDs no longer blink for the wireless bands (in this case 5 Ghz).

I don't care so much about the LEDs as I do the wireless connectivity for my client bridges.

Something additional: when trying "modprobe xfs" I see I get:

insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/4.9.337/xfs.ko': unknown symbol in module
modprobe: failed to load module xfs: No such file or directory

So my external USB SSDs are no longer readable.

Whatever else I can provide, happy to do so.

yep...setting/changing radios to Vanilla and initializing it may require few reboots...it has been ongoing ever since...so nothing new here..

yep LED's are also broken on the newer builds and as its just cosmetic issue it will remain on the side for a while...so nothing new here as well..

no idea why you are using XFS, but it could be removed from the current builds...my ext2,3 or 4 USB drives are working as intended...not using NTFS or FAT to confirm the rest...

you can provide serial logs or detailed kernel logs...but no sure how those will help if XFS support was removed intentionally Cool

P.S. strange as it shows XFS its not removed from Alpine config or im wrong Razz

so, yes indeed it could be a glitch Razz

TP-Link WR740Nv1 ---DD-WRT 58184 WAP
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,Ad-Block,Firewall,x4VLAN,VPN
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -Gargoyle OS 1.15.x AP,DNS,QoS,Quotas
Netgear XR500 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,AP Isolation,4VLAN,Ad-Block,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R7800 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,Forced DNS,AP&Net Isolation,x3VLAN,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R9000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,AP Isolation,Firewall,Forced DNS,x2VLAN,Vanilla
Dynalink DL-WRX36-DDWRT 59582
Netgear R7000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DNScrypt-proxy2/AD-Block,IPset Firewall,Forced DNS,x4VLAN,VPN
Stubby DNS over TLS I DNSCrypt v2 by mac913
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 10 Nov 2014
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 21:20    Post subject: Reply with quote
Hey thanks for the reply!

I wasn't aware of the LED issue (again not an issue tbh), nor the firmware type thing. It never use to be an issue - and since I now know, meh that's fine. I'm usually aware of things...when something bites me! Smile

As far as XFS, it always felt snappier to me than ext4. So, just tried to use it when I can. However, I'm not married to it whatsoever. And, to your pt, ext4 is working. So, I just copied everything off my SSDs, reformatted them to ext4, copied back and viola - all working again Smile

And nah, I agree with you on the serial logs - I'll just stick to ext4. It really isn't a big deal - just stuff I happened to notice.

I try to keep up with the DD-WRT releases on all my routers and felt "icky" running the 1/3/2023 build. Just like the latest I suppose...or prefer it.

Again, thank you so much for the reply! Totally in everyone's debt.

Joined: 20 Feb 2014
Posts: 75

PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 23:51    Post subject: wireless bridge not working on 5ghz Reply with quote
updated 1/20/25

I can confirm similar issue (wireless bridge on 5ghz not working) using Archer C7V2 with December and January versions of DDWRT. Restore to defaults each upgrade

But what I did to fix the issue was use the "vanilla" wireless driver for the 5gh WLAN1, and don't forget to re-apply the wireless password for wlan1 when switching between 2.4ghz wlan0 and wlan1.

modem/router > archer c7 wireless bridge, 2.4ghz enabled/5ghz disabled, wireless via wlan 0 works, bridge works fine in both 20 mhz only and dynamic 20/40 mhz modes.

modem/router > archer c7 wireless bridge, 2.4ghz disabled / 5ghz enabled, "ddwrt" wireless firmware used, no wireless connection/bridge via archer c7v2 wan to modem

modem/router > archer c7 wireless bridge 2.4ghz disabled /"vanilla" wireless firmware used, there's wireless connection on archer c7v2 WAN to modem/router, 20mhz works fine and 20/40mhz does as well, but make take a couple of re-saves and reboots.

So for me the fix was to use "vanilla" firmware on the 5ghz wlan1 when using bridge mode.
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