Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:38 Post subject: openvpn on MX4300
I'm testing openvpn on my MX4300 running v3.0-r58627 std (11/02/24) on it.
I have connected my MX4300 to my main router for test purpose.
MX4300(, connect WAN port to my router) <-> main router (with WAN) <-> test laptop
I tested around 10 times, it only worked twice (which proves my configuration was correct). When I use Wireshark to monitor my traffic (with filter ip.addr == ), I see no traffic when openvpn fails to connect. but, I still can connect to MX4300's web interface through the same ip address.
I tried to change openvpn protocol from UDP to TCP and it does not really help. Does anyone try Openvpn on MX4300 with the latest release build? I'm not sure it is my laptop causes the problem or there is something wrong on the router.
Joined: 12 Dec 2007 Posts: 899 Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 14:04 Post subject:
All of your devices are in the same subnet (assuming you used a mask of /24 or, so your laptop can access the MX4300's GUI since it can go straight to it.
For example, my ISP gives me a WAN address of 100.7.x.x/24 (it's DHCP so it changes, but it's always a /24 bitmask). My internal network from my main router is 192.168.6.x/24. I would give the internal LAN on the MX4300 a completely different subnet, such as 10.10.10.x/24. In my hypothetical scenario, the WAN port on the MX4300 would get a 192.168.6.x IP address (yours would get a 192.168.10.x based on your description), and in my case I could hardcode it or give it a DHCP reservation, such as
Now from the laptop, I'd make the VPN endpoint Once the laptop connects to it, I should be able to hit (the LAN IP of the MX4300). I'd also put something like another laptop on the LAN side of the MX4300 with a file share or FTP server, something I could use to test access to resources on the LAN.
Personally, I have OpenVPN on my main router and I test after every build update by connecting my laptop to the access point on my phone so I'm going through T-Mobile, then I connect to my router via dynamic DNS entry, and see if I can access my network file share. I'd rather make sure it works when I'm sitting at home than when I'm on the road trying to connect back. _________________ __________________________
Linksys MR7350
I already used Ip range:
I think the problem is I did not see any attempt to connect to the device happens when I check Wireshark log.
This is a test setup before I replace the main router. we need internet to get paycheck and I don't want to ruin it. :p
Joined: 12 Dec 2007 Posts: 899 Location: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 16:55 Post subject:
Again, please check the thread that egc indicated. You also have no indication of your actual configuration on the client or the MX4300. _________________ __________________________
Linksys MR7350
Joined: 16 Nov 2015 Posts: 6785 Location: UK, London, just across the river..
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2024 18:01 Post subject:
To me its very unclear what the OP is testing...if you are trying to run VPN server or just client to a VPN seams you are struggling but in both cases(client/server) follow the egc advise to read the guides...
also testing with WShk should be done not on the WAN as VPN would be on different
IP either the internal VPN range or the External IP that it is connected that is why it is important to provide more details what you are trying...but anyway read the guide and come back..
also i rather test it whit TCPDUMP...router side..if so... _________________ Atheros
TP-Link WR740Nv1 ---DD-WRT 58184 WAP
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,Ad-Block,Firewall,x4VLAN,VPN
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -Gargoyle OS 1.15.x AP,DNS,QoS,Quotas
Netgear XR500 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,AP Isolation,4VLAN,Ad-Block,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R7800 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,Forced DNS,AP&Net Isolation,x3VLAN,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R9000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,AP Isolation,Firewall,Forced DNS,x2VLAN,Vanilla
Dynalink DL-WRX36-DDWRT 59582
Netgear R7000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DNScrypt-proxy2/AD-Block,IPset Firewall,Forced DNS,x4VLAN,VPN
Stubby DNS over TLS I DNSCrypt v2 by mac913
The problem seems relating to how I test it. After I set port forwarding on my main router to forward 1194 to my MX4300 and use a phone
hotspot for my computer (without wifi or ethernet). It works reliably.
I thought I can just test my MX4300 and laptop under the same ip range. In theory, it should be like their "wan ip" even both of them have 192.168.10.x. Within MX4300, I set the ip range to 192.168.100.x and the VPN ip range was set to I use my laptop connect to MX4300's WAN port IP, which is, using open VPN. Hope my laptop will be able to access anything underneath MX4300 with 192.168.100.x ip address. I must miss something and it was not working reliably for me. As I said, it did work twice that my laptop can get into MX4300 and access other device using 192.168.100.x ip underneath MX4300.
Joined: 18 Mar 2014 Posts: 13556 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:25 Post subject:
From the first page of the OpenVPN Server setup guide in bold :
1. If you use the default TUN setup which is a routed solution, the servers subnet, the OpenVPN's subnet ( and the clients subnet must all be different!
So better not use or for the OpenVPN servers subnet.
2. Testing can only be done from outside e.g. with your phone or laptop on cellular data or from a friends/neighbours internet.
I guess it's already been confirmed to be an issue with the testing method and overlapping subnets. For what it's worth, I can confirm OpenVPN is working in the latest three builds on my MX4300s. I'm remoted into my home PC from work over the OpenVPN connection right now. Its been working very well.