Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:22 Post subject: Channel Width Settings Don't Change the Width
I have a WRT1900ac V1 router with latest DD-WRT firmware flashed. When I manually set the channel width for 5GHz to 40MHz (WIDE) it doesn't actually change, as it did with factory firmware. 2.4GHz doesn't change either, but I'm not as interested in that. I use inSSIDer to monitor activity. Maybe I'm not setting other parameters properly? Any help would be appreciated. TYIA.
Joined: 08 May 2018 Posts: 15539 Location: Texas, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 15:38 Post subject:
Which is one reason why I didn't even bother responding. "Latest" as of this post unless somehow a new build magically uploads by the time I finish writing is:
Also, you have to set wireless configuration properly. Unless it was changed during UI enhancements (doubtful, but possible):
Per Yngve Berg wrote:
It's not broken, it's by design.
1) set the Channel Width and Save.
2) Set the Extension Channel UU, LL or UL and save
3) The channel list will now show legal channels with the settings 1-2. Select channel and apply.
This is just not a user friendly UI design. To have the page dynamically update, js and Ajax calls must be implemented.