Turn on band-steering options and my phone gets disconnected from the network "access point temporarily full", I increase more users for DHCP but still got the same issue. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
I have 2 MX4300 connecting LAN-LAN.
I experienced similar problems with band steering enabled, but I didn't think they were DHCP related. Maybe that was a generic client error you received?
My laptop, phone and other devices correctly got addresses, but had no connectivity outside the local network. After a few seconds the devices usually bounced to another frequency and connectivity was restored. I've since disabled band steering and all devices have connectivity regardless of which band they happen to connect on.
Maybe Ill try re-enabling band steering but disabling prefer AX, since it seemed to mainly affect wifi-6 devices for me. Just a random shot in the dark though. There's not much literature on the subject here.
EDIT: After trying it enabled again, I can see my laptop (a problem device) is connected to BOTH APs simultaneously on different bands. How? No idea. I'm remote right now, so cant confirm from the laptop itself.
Well, I am trying to set up one of the mx4300 as a WAP now, connecting to main WRT32X, 802.11r enable. I walk back and forth between wrt32x and mx4300. My phone signal roams from mx4300 to wrt32x but not the opposite way. So 802.11r on MX4300 not working or I might have it set up wrong.
I have it 802.11r enable. Connect my phone to MX4300 first, as soon as I get close to WRT32x, the wifi signal boost up and connect to wrt32x without disconnecting. But on the opposite way, my phone just stay connecting to wrt32x even I am next to the MX4300. I am not expert, any help would be greatly appreciated
Darn it, I am also experience the drops, which i thought were dchp, but not like you. i will have to look at the power dropping but mine seems to drop for just a few seconds and comes back on. I thought, what a great idea, I can look at my temp monitor and see the same thing, but nope, I use switch bot so it stores all the data and updates it. But i am experience a drop in connection for only a few seconds...would love suggestions on how to track to see when and how often its happening.
Well I found my issue but it's probably not going to help anyone here. Somehow many of my garage smart devices were switching to an outdoor VAP which had lost it's vlans, so they couldn't get an IP whenever connected to it. Once I shut it down early this morning, problem totally gone. Not a single disconnect in 16 hours. Not sure why they would even stay connected for so long with a dhcp address failure. Anyway I reduced the transmit power on the outdoor device to 5mW so the indoor devices can no longer "see" it...and I fixed the missing vlans too. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.
Darn it, I am also experience the drops, which i thought were dchp, but not like you. i will have to look at the power dropping but mine seems to drop for just a few seconds and comes back on. I thought, what a great idea, I can look at my temp monitor and see the same thing, but nope, I use switch bot so it stores all the data and updates it. But i am experience a drop in connection for only a few seconds...would love suggestions on how to track to see when and how often its happening.
Well I found my issue but it's probably not going to help anyone here. Somehow many of my garage smart devices were switching to an outdoor VAP which had lost it's vlans, so they couldn't get an IP whenever connected to it. Once I shut it down early this morning, problem totally gone. Not a single disconnect in 16 hours. Not sure why they would even stay connected for so long with a dhcp address failure. Anyway I reduced the transmit power on the outdoor device to 5mW so the indoor devices can no longer "see" it...and I fixed the missing vlans too.
Well, the good news at least for now is that by changing the power on the N/2.4 ghz seems to have stopped it dropping power as it has been at 24db for a few days now. Got to do a bit more testing to see whats going on with all the devices on that line. The bad news is still having the dissociate problem on a few 2.4 devices on the 1.1vap and random drops completely of the 5 ghz...at least on the back channel (though I have it set so windows doesnt relogin when it drops so it might be the same problem...maybe dhcp drops, just it doesnt auto reconnect like the devices on 2.4). Have not gotten to see how often it is but when using that line it might be as often as once an hour or so...I changed key renewal times just in case but havent been on enough to get a feel, but it seems to drop out for now more than a minute and is fine again...this weekend should have time to provide more detail.
Just want to check if there is any resolution on DHCP issue. I tried to check the code and DD-WRT source code does not even have the error message in it. It almost tells me 1. the image is built from a different source. 2. there are some portion of code is not released. 3. I'm completely wrong.
Lexridge, do you know if the 9/13/2024 release has the same changes that the version you posted has?
Do you have a download link to the DD-WRT v3.0-r58376 std (09/11/24) for the MX4300? It seems this is the best version? I can't find it in this thread or in any of the ddwrt download directories.
I'm having a lot of sequential ping errors on the latest beta build in a 2 node 802.11s mesh.
If that's the case does that mean that Roaming can't be implemented with a Linksys WRT3200ACM, as that uses the Marvell Armada 385 chipset? _________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Does anyone know why there is such a big radio transmit power difference between OpenWRT and DD-WRT? On OpenWRT's 2.4GHZ radio I get 26db of TX. On DD-WRT no matter how much I fiddle with the settings it never goes above 16db. I get higher TX power with Panama but it breaks connections with some Apple devices.
Does anyone know why there is such a big radio transmit power difference between OpenWRT and DD-WRT? On OpenWRT's 2.4GHZ radio I get 26db of TX. On DD-WRT no matter how much I fiddle with the settings it never goes above 16db. I get higher TX power with Panama but it breaks connections with some Apple devices.
I have been able to achieve 24dBm on 2.4ghz using Canada (I can stay at 28dBm on 5ghz (wlan2) much longer). It doesn't last forever. 3-4 days max before I need to reboot. Before I changed to performance cpu governor, I was only getting about 12 hours, so while this helped, it didn't resolve the issue long term. _________________ - Linksys EA8500: I-Gateway, WAP/VAP 5ghz only. Features: WDS-AP, VLANs, Samba, WG, Entware - r59429
- Linksys EA8500: 802.11s Secondary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz - r59171
- Linksys MX4300: 802.11s Primary w/VLAN Trunk over 5ghz. 2.4ghz WAP/VAP only - r59171
- Linksys MX4300 (WAP/VAP (7)) Multiple VLANs over single trunk port. Entware/Samba r59451
- Linksys MR7350: WDS Station for extended Ethernet r59451
- Linksys Velop WHW03v1 x2: OpenWRT w/GRETAP tunnel for VLANs on VAPs
- OSes: Fedora 40, 10 RPis (2,3,4,5), 23 ESP8266s: Straight from Amiga to Linux in '95, never having owned a Windows PC.