Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 22:29 Post subject: WRT3200ACM Wifi not working
Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r58389
(also tried the three prior firmwares with the same results)
Hi All
Have had this AP for a while and not used it - I recollect it worked well on stock and dd-wrt firmware in the past.
Decided to load new dd-wrt firmware installed and used factory reset of NVRAM and manually entered old settings I had written down that worked previously.
All goes well on the wired connection DHCP DNSmasq ect with reliable connection and good internet speed.
Moved on to Wireless and nothing seems to work
At first i used the default wireless basic settings and turned on only 2.4 wlan1 wireless security with WPA3 Personal / SAE and selected CCMP-128(AES) and suitable SAE passphrase. Saved and applied
Unplugged the cable and tried to connect - what happens is unpredictable - for example sometimes it does not negotiate a secure connection (keeps asking for the SAE password) other times it connects but with a self-assigned Ip and sometimes (rarely) connects with correct DHCP assigned IP but cant reach and urls
So tried a few switches - wlan0 vs wlan1 vs both different ssids same ssids - same outcome
Tried some settings shared my members as successful for them - same outcome
Tried different wifi security WPA2 Personal and selected CCMP-128(AES) - of courses checked and rechecked the password at both ends - same outcome
So I reloaded the stock Linksys firmware to check the hardware was working and it is.
I am mystified there does not seem to be a pattern i can spot
Has anyone experienced with this or got any thoughts?
No doubt lost in my long description was that i had tried various security settings WAP3 WAP2 CCMP-128 TKIP in various combinations.
The Mac I have does support WPA3 (according to apple) and certainly supports WPA2
I had removed the prior networks from the preferred network list
But just in case per your advice I set wlan1 to WPA2 CCMP-128 and used a new ssid ddwrt1 - an ssid that i had never used before. Then I removed all preferred networks relating to the linksys from the mac and rebooted both devices tried again.
I noticed something interesting
Under Basic Wireless wlan1 the ssid i set was ddwrt1 and this also shows under Wireless security settings wlan1 "Physical Interface wlan1 SSID [ddwrt1] HWAddr ...." which is set to WPA2 CCMP-128
However this ssid - ddwrt1 - is not an ssid listed under other available networks on the mac nor on another i had not been using. AND dd-wrt is listed as an available network! That was one of the older names i used and i dont think my nieghbours run anything dd-wrt.
(To be clear the ssid "dd-wrt" is NOT listed as a preferred network on the mac just as an Available network out there - meaning one i have never connected to.)
So I tried to connect to ddwrt1 manually - the mac says there is no such network out there meaning that ssid is not being broadcasted or defined where i am. (both macs)
So i tired to connect to ssid "dd-wrt" if failed saying it needed a WPA3 password - this is not what is set in the wlan1 interface it is set to wpa2 as you suggested
My understanding of the WRT3200ACM is that it does not support wpa3.
Even setting wpa3/wpa2 temporarily is no good.
WPA2/AES is best.
And if you ever do set WPA3 and find that wifi isn't working, you can't just change it to WPA2.
You have to reset it and start afresh.
This also applies to region - set it on US and leave it there.
And it applies to wifi channel - stick to 36 or 149.
If you have changed it, you need to reset the router.
I'd go so far as to reflash dd-wrt and reset it all again.
This is what I've had to do in the past and everything works fine with WPA2 here. _________________ ------------------------------------
Netgear XR500 Openwrt 24.10 (Gateway)
Linksys WRT3200ACM DD-WRT r59468 (Spare Gateway)
Linksys EA8500 OpenWrt 24.10 (Wired AP)
Well done!
The WRT3200ACM is a good router.
I use it when a VPN Client (OpenVPN) is needed.
It runs OpenVPN at least twice as fast as my Netgear XR500.
On mine, Ive noticed that 2.4 wifi always runs at 100% output, no matter what % you set. _________________ ------------------------------------
Netgear XR500 Openwrt 24.10 (Gateway)
Linksys WRT3200ACM DD-WRT r59468 (Spare Gateway)
Linksys EA8500 OpenWrt 24.10 (Wired AP)