need help wifi broken on netgear r7800

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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 11 Aug 2019
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 13:02    Post subject: need help wifi broken on netgear r7800 Reply with quote
i was on build "04-17-2024-r55819" everything was working perfectly since this build released
i configured the vlan 443 by GUI using the sticky topic
on 30 may2024, suddenly my both wifi stopped working i rebooted my router many times but wifi wont come up
later decided to reset it using nvram erase && reboot still i dont get my wifi ups
i revert back to stock rom but still no luck
from stock rom

 === IMPORTANT ============================
  Use 'passwd' to set your login password
  this will disable telnet and enable SSH

BusyBox v1.4.2 (2016-01-07 21:22:13 CST) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

     MM           NM                    MMMMMMM          M       M
   $MMMMM        MMMMM                MMMMMMMMMMM      MMM     MMM
    MMMMMM       MMMMN     M           MMMMMMMMM      MMMM    MMMM
     MMMM          M                    MMMMMMM        M       M
   For those about to rock... (%C, %R)
root@R7800:/# wlan
Usage: wlan <command> [<arguments>]

    updateconf                       : update wireless configurations
    up                               : bring up wireless interfaces
    down                             : bring down wireless interfaces
    wps <arguments>                  : wps actions.
         --client_pin <pin number>   :: start WPS client PIN
         --pbc_start                 :: start WPS PBC
         --wps_stop                  :: stop WPS actions
    toggle                           : toggle wireless radio (ON <-> OFF)
    schedule <11g/11a> <on/off>      : do wireless schedule
    stainfo                          : show all attached wireless stations.
    radio <11g/11a> <arguments>      : actions related to radio
         --status                    :: show radio status (ON or OFF)
         --channel                   :: show current channel
         --coext <on/off>            :: enable/disable coexistence function.
    statistic                        :: show statistic info
    mac                              :: show mac info
    help                             : show this
root@R7800:/# wlan updateconf
uci: Entry not found
root@R7800:/# wlan up
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): enable failed
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): enable failed
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
mac80211: Interface type not supported on_led function
wifi1     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi1/led: Directory nonexistent
wifi0     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi0/led: Directory nonexistent
qcawifi: on led failed
root@R7800:/# wlan toggle
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
qcawifi: WIFITOGGLE failed
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
qcawifi: WIFITOGGLE failed
mac80211: Interface type not supported
/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi1/led: Directory nonexistent
wifi1     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi0/led: Directory nonexistent
wifi0     no private ioctls.

qcawifi: force off led failed
root@R7800:/# wlan down
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): disable failed
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): disable failed
mac80211: Interface type not supported force_off_led function
root@R7800:/# wlan down
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): disable failed
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): disable failed
mac80211: Interface type not supported force_off_led function
root@R7800:/# wlan up
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): enable failed
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): enable failed
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
mac80211: Interface type not supported on_led function
root@R7800:/# wlan up
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): enable failed
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): enable failed
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
mac80211: Interface type not supported on_led function
root@R7800:/# wlan toggle
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
qcawifi: WIFITOGGLE failed
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
qcawifi: WIFITOGGLE failed
mac80211: Interface type not supported
wifi1     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi1/led: Directory nonexistent
wifi0     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi0/led: Directory nonexistent
qcawifi: on led failed
root@R7800:/# wlan up
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi1 not found
wifi1(qcawifi): enable failed
qcawifi modules are not reloaded
phy for wifi device wifi0 not found
wifi0(qcawifi): enable failed
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
Sorry, rule does not exist.
mac80211: Interface type not supported on_led function
wifi1     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi1/led: Directory nonexistent
wifi0     no private ioctls.

/sbin/wlan: eval: 1: cannot create /sys/class/net/wifi0/led: Directory nonexistent
qcawifi: on led failed

Connection to host lost.

wifi not working at all on stock rom
but when i switch to dd-wrt 2ghz is working. no 5Ghz

is there a way to fix this??

i already checked R7800 install guide how to get wifi back

Joined: 18 Mar 2014
Posts: 13560
Location: Netherlands

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 13:08    Post subject: Reply with quote
First have a look at the authoritative guide on R7800 (link in my signature) with important information about wifi if you go back to stock

If that does not help then sometimes when power is too low the first thing it affects is the wifi, so you can try another power supply.

But if something suddenly goes down without you not having changed anything and a reboot does not help it sure can point to a hardware problem

Routers:Netgear R7000, R6400v1, R6400v2, EA6900 (XvortexCFE), E2000, E1200v1, WRT54GS v1.
Install guide R6400v2, R6700v3,XR300:
Install guide R7800/XR500:
Forum Guide Lines (important read):
DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 11 Aug 2019
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:39    Post subject: Reply with quote
egc wrote:
First have a look at the authoritative guide on R7800 (link in my signature) with important information about wifi if you go back to stock

If that does not help then sometimes when power is too low the first thing it affects is the wifi, so you can try another power supply.

But if something suddenly goes down without you not having changed anything and a reboot does not help it sure can point to a hardware problem

already read and guide and tried all the things mentioned in the guide
already changed the power supply
excuse me if its a hardware problem then why wifi(2ghz) is working with dd-wrt and openwrt but not with OEM rom??
because they use custom drivers?

Joined: 14 May 2023
Posts: 141

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 0:04    Post subject: Reply with quote
d0d0 wrote:
already read and guide and tried all the things mentioned in the guide
already changed the power supply
excuse me if its a hardware problem then why wifi(2ghz) is working with dd-wrt and openwrt but not with OEM rom??
because they use custom drivers?

A few hints:
- Try flash the R7800 back to its first released stock f/ware to verify for certain if 2.4GHz wireless works or not. Fact: Later versions of stock f/ware of some of Netgear routers were designed to make flashing back to, or from, its firmware somehow corrupted in a move to discourage owners of its routers from using alternative f/ware.

- Given that you've already tried new power adapter with same result, I'd suggest you do a second s/w reboot of R7800 after flashing it with DD-WRT (|Administration|Management|Reboot Router). A 2nd s/w reboot seems to allow the router to be fully functional with its new DD-WRT OS.

You have nothing else to loose by trying the above and find out for yourself with certainty.
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