I'm curious: https://itectec.com/network/the-802-11-mtu/ Various overhead? Is there a handy command-line or utility available, to see if the WiFi is in-sync with the WAN MTU? _________________ R6250 with fan on; wifi off
R6300.1 mips DD-WRT 42617 Giga AP
WNR3500Lv2 DD-WRT 33525 K3 Giga
E3000 5ghz multicast AP DD-WRT 33525 K2.6
WRT54GSv2 long range AP HyperWRT 15
2 WR841Nv9 DD-WRT 33006 AP
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 22:19 Post subject: How to explicitly set CTS and RTS/CTS instead of "Auto&
itwontbewe wrote:
R7000P here
the RTS/CTS looks different than your qca settings
do i just set rts threshold to 784 and leave the rest as is? is the fragmentation threshold related to it as well?
I found a problem with this CTS Protection Mode "Auto" option, because I want to make sure RTS/CTS is used and "Auto" seems to disable it giving the drop outs I get after a while.
I have another DD-WRT router and it has the option to explicitly set CTS and RTS/CTS and I never experience these drop outs on it.
Is there any way to make sure the router uses CTS and RTS/CTS?
We literally could not view any multimedia using the "recommendations" of 784/534 on any DD-WRT supported platform very readily, and wifi stability was subpar. Could've been coupled with the ACK timing and other recommendations being askew, such as prime numbers being used for BI. Still not sure where sir twindragon6 seems to think that 90 for ACK timing as noted in his wiki edit works, but more recent temporary implementations to provide wifi access may invoke testing that information. As always, use of a good wifi analyzer app and throughput testing with iperf3 and other means sure does help in testing. _________________ "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep." - Robert Frost
"I am one of the noticeable ones - notice me" - Dale Frances McKenzie Bozzio
I have been using these settings (both at 784) for about 3 years now, without issues from 3 different sites with many different type of wifi devices. _________________ Home Network on PureFibre 500Mbit/s - 10GbE Copper Backbone
2x R7800 - Gateway & AP & 3xWireGuard - DDWRT r53562 Std k4.9
Off Site 1
R7000 - Gateway & AP & WireGuard - DDWRT r58389 Std
R7000 - Station Bridge - DDWRT r49626 Std
Off Site 2 - Wired Backbone
3x R7000 - Gateway+AP01 / AP02 / AP03 - DDWRT r58389 std
E2000 - Wired ISP IPTV PVR Blocker - DDWRT r35531