Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:52 Post subject: Wireguard client Tunnel on secondary router with WAN disable
Hello all,
I set up a Wireguard client tunnel with a commercial vpn on a secondary router following this link:
This worked perfectly fine when my router's WAN connection type was set to Automatic DHCP. Now I changed my WAN connection type to disabled for other reasons but the Wireguard client does not work anymore.
I was reading here and there that I needed to add the following rules but no luck:
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o br0 -j SNAT --to $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)
route add -host $(nvram get oet1_rem0) gw $(nvram get lan_gateway) dev $(get_wanface)
Thanks a lot! I followed the Client on the WAP section in the Advanced setup guide and I believe I got it working!
The one thing I would want to change is the DNS which is now using the one from my primary router (xfinity router). Would there be any ways to change the DNS when using the Wireguard tunnel?
Thanks a lot! I saw that DNS box in the Wireguard setup page but that did not work. I ended up unbridging wl0 and wl1 and forcing a DNS server from there.