Joined: 08 May 2018 Posts: 15539 Location: Texas, USA
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 15:11 Post subject:
Aloz, I shouldn't have even given this thread the time of day, and the following response should probably be withheld, but.
Brett Glass wrote:
Not asking "for more, for free;" not even asking the developer for anything at this point. Just asking the community for information on which version of an (admittedly buggy) piece of software works best.
And this was answered. I am waiting for a specific interval to enjoy the fruits of development since last month since most likely, I can revert periodic router reboots.
Brett Glass wrote:
I do contribute to other open source projects which are ethically licensed (i.e. do not use viral licenses), and some of that work has almost certainly made it back to DD-WRT. The odds of some of my code NOT being in it are actually very small.
This must be done very privately, because a webcrawl of every possible incarnation of your name on all public code repositories and the internet in general ad infinitum seems to dictate otherwise. Please consider backing this claim up with linked information. I personally know of a dozen or less commits to *BSD that have your name on them, and nothing more... not to mention, those commits are in the distant past. I really wish I knew your version of reality, because it does not align with what is in black and white.
Brett Glass wrote:
In any case, there's no need for hostility or rudeness. Folks who exhibit it are sure to discourage me and others from ever directly contributing financially or in kind.
Joined: 08 May 2018 Posts: 15539 Location: Texas, USA
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 13:18 Post subject:
Statement of facts isn't being hostile. That comment is one you *earned* by your own self-infliction. I'd have to agree, any discussion with you IS pointless and the tone-shift in this thread is bad form on all accounts. In retrospect, I should've exercised more self-control in my initial post in this thread. Any chastisement to me by proper authority for my participation in this thread and my commentary will be taken gladly. _________________ "Life is but a fleeting moment, a vapor that vanishes quickly; All is vanity"
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Joined: 16 Nov 2015 Posts: 6783 Location: UK, London, just across the river..
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 15:35 Post subject:
Brett Glass wrote:
I would characterize
The less he has to do to enjoy the fruits of others' labor, the better for him. He'd rather yammer on about what color the bike shed is, anyway.
as hostile. Wouldn't you?
Anyway, to continue the discussion is pointless. Will reprovision the routers with OpenWRT.
As i said, for commercial use you must have a decency to contact the main developer, as he may provide you with better option...but, you still insist for a free lunch and play Im a victim card...manifesting arrogance with kicking the ball back...well...enjoy your OpenWRT free lunch where new development/support has stopped for 4MB flash size routers... _________________ Atheros
TP-Link WR740Nv1 ---DD-WRT 58184 WAP
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,Ad-Block,Firewall,x4VLAN,VPN
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -Gargoyle OS 1.15.x AP,DNS,QoS,Quotas
Netgear XR500 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,AP Isolation,4VLAN,Ad-Block,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R7800 --DD-WRT 59468 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,Forced DNS,AP&Net Isolation,x3VLAN,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R9000 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,AP Isolation,Firewall,Forced DNS,x2VLAN,Vanilla
Dynalink DL-WRX36-DDWRT 59369
Netgear R7000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DNScrypt-proxy2/AD-Block,IPset Firewall,Forced DNS,x4VLAN,VPN
Stubby DNS over TLS I DNSCrypt v2 by mac913
Y'know, while it's sad that you're so hostile (this gives a bad name to any open source project), it's amusing to see you get so bent out of shape about a simple request for information.
I've been contributing code and bug fixes to open source projects for more than 40 years now. I haven't had commit bits on most of them; I just send the code or patch off to someone who does. I am not so insecure or egotistical as to worry about whether I'm credited. And in all that time, I've never asked for anything back, attacked someone for asking questions, or childishly condemned people (as Richard Stallman does) for taking this public resource, building something good with it, and benefiting commercially from the value they added.
If I didn't have a thick skin after dealing with poorly socialized geeks over the years, I'd surely be gone by now. But again, it's amusing to see you get so riled up over such a basic question. Methinks thou protesteth too much? In any event, the developers on the project may want to take note of the bad name you'll give it by being so inhospitable and hostile on this little message board.
As for me: I'm already loading some older versions of OpenWRT, and they work quite well and seem to have relatively few problems and security holes. (They've certainly gotten things right - like the Atheros VLAN switch - that are broken in DD-WRT!) And maybe I'll start work on some BSD-based software for Atheros-based SOCs. I won't hack GPLed code, but I'll certainly do BSD-licensed work.
Anyway, sorry for pushing whatever button it was that triggered you.... Hope I haven't wrecked your weekend by asking a few obvious questions. Bye for now!
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:18 Post subject: Re: Best firmware to use with TL-WR940N?
Brett Glass wrote:
What is, currently, the best DD-WRT firmware to use in the TP-Link TL-WR940N (Versions 3 through 6)? We've had good luck with r39267 and are still using it despite its age and bugs related to bridging between the switch ports, because some newer versions have been dicey. Which newer ones, if any, work well? We need any version we use to support PPTP properly on the WAN port.
Remember: If you want to change the LAN network from to 192.168.x.1, click on 'Apply Unchecked' instead of 'Save & Apply' - thank me later! _________________ THERE ARE NO STRANGERS HERE; ONLY FRIENDS YOU HAVEN'T YET MET.
The latest builds of OpenWRT for 4MB routers, including the one you link to above, have dropped PPP, but older ones have it. I'm looking at having a custom build done.
No, PPP and all variants of it were removed. Nowadays those 4/32MB routers are best for just extending signal range.
_________________ "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep." - Robert Frost
"I am one of the noticeable ones - notice me" - Dale Frances McKenzie Bozzio
Check the first version of that router. You will see its from 2012. So even if the newest revision is from any other year after 2012, the model is from 2012. This is why I said "look onwards from 2013 to now" because wireless AC routers do a much better job than the old wireless N routers even if its for your "basic" clients.
the OP could keep looking into which would be the next best consumer router to use dd-wrt with, but would be looking into spending more money. therefore, I think there are two things the OP could do.
1. Look for a company that makes rental routers for WISPs or ISPs like vilo or probably ubiquiti.
2. Talk to the dd-wrt developers themselves. Also, did you know that cambium routers use a custom version of dd-wrt? _________________ For people who are new to the dd-wrt forums >>
barryware wrote:
It takes a "community" to raise a router..
Internet Connection 1
Some Techicolor modem > Linksys WRT3200ACM
Internet connection 2
Ubiquiti Powerbeam Gen 2 > Netgear R9000
Official (but not really) dd-wrt General Discussion element/matrix chat
Joined: 16 Nov 2015 Posts: 6783 Location: UK, London, just across the river..
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 22:35 Post subject:
Brett Glass wrote:
Gameman Advanced Kid wrote:
Stop living in pre-2010 and look onwards from 2013 to now for the sake of functionality and security.
There's nothing wrong with the technology in these routers. In fact, the chips are some of the best that Atheros ever made.
We intend to save these useful devices from the landfill and put them to good use.
and we return to the source... if you make a money from commercial use of the DDWRT firmware, it doesn't require much dignity, to be honest and drop a penny for your lunch... _________________ Atheros
TP-Link WR740Nv1 ---DD-WRT 58184 WAP
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,Ad-Block,Firewall,x4VLAN,VPN
TP-Link WR1043NDv2 -Gargoyle OS 1.15.x AP,DNS,QoS,Quotas
Netgear XR500 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,Forced DNS,AP Isolation,4VLAN,Ad-Block,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R7800 --DD-WRT 59468 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,Forced DNS,AP&Net Isolation,x3VLAN,Firewall,Vanilla
Netgear R9000 --DD-WRT 59369 Gateway/DoT,AD-Block,AP Isolation,Firewall,Forced DNS,x2VLAN,Vanilla
Dynalink DL-WRX36-DDWRT 59369
Netgear R7000 --DD-WRT 59582 Gateway/DNScrypt-proxy2/AD-Block,IPset Firewall,Forced DNS,x4VLAN,VPN
Stubby DNS over TLS I DNSCrypt v2 by mac913
and we return to the source... if you make a money from commercial use of the DDWRT firmware, it doesn't require much dignity, to be honest and drop a penny for your lunch...
We don't make any money on the refurbished routers. We sell them at cost.
In any event, we've offered both money and equipment to the developers of DD-WRT. No response.
Stop living in pre-2010 and look onwards from 2013 to now for the sake of functionality and security.
There's nothing wrong with the technology in these routers. In fact, the chips are some of the best that Atheros ever made.
We intend to save these useful devices from the landfill and put them to good use.
If these were for YOUR home and personal use, fine. But these are being rented out to other customers. Therefore, you should be renting out some routers that are already using newer standards like Wireless AC, Dual band preferably with band steering, and can be managed remotely by your own "cloud".
There WAS nothing with those routers years ago and those atheros chips WERE the best back then. The newer Atheros chips already have much better technology that your old wireless N atheros chip does. I am not just talking about speed.