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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2022 12:26    Post subject: Reply with quote
No idea, seems to be working as intended on your platform. Marking as solved.

Thank you for the testing and reporting back, much appreciated.

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2022 1:19    Post subject: Reply with quote
No way, thank you. Your help is appreciated tremendously.
Sorry for not being able to send some cash your way.

Now it's onto another problem. Not with DD_WRT, with possibly Cacti or my Pi 4. Onto testing something else.

Thank you again.

Also, thanks to egc for the correct commands!

egc wrote:
service snmp stop
service snmpd stop

-Edit kind of. Not sure if it was on this thread or not, but this worked for me.

stopservice x
startservice x

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2022 9:36    Post subject: Reply with quote
No worries, I have no paypal or any other means setup to receive donations anyway, no matter if I'm broke or not, for me opensource is a way for me to give back to the communities and projects that I use and are also free as in free beer to me for that end.

I wouldn't also like to guilt trip any of my users that choose or can't donate.

If anyone should pay for opensource developer time are the companies who benefit from the healthy opensource ecosystem and make money doing so. Like the Rufus developer says about donations.

Other projects I have been part of in the past, they have yearly developer/community meetups, and then in this social act, I wouldn't mind accepting a nice cold beer or cup of coffee or whatever.

Sadly DD-WRT doesn't have anything like this.

Sorry for the rant or whatever the hell that brain fart was Wink

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