NAS setup - mount point not availble in dropdown

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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 29 May 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 19:57    Post subject: NAS setup - mount point not availble in dropdown Reply with quote
Hi all - loving DD-WRT so thanks to BS and all for ALL the hard work.

But I am trouble shooting a wacky one. I have a Netgear R7800 setup with NAS and an external drive.

So I talked my buddy 1000 miles away into getting one and I am working through setting his up via Teamviewer.

Everything was going great. I actually had SAMBA and one share setup. Then I tried to get elegant and made a new folder for "Guests" so they could deposit files onto the network. I created a new user and directed that to the new share that is a subfolder on the external drive. Even that initially worked fine. But then Windows started getting freaky saying you can not have two user/passwords to the same shared device. Not a concern... But then things just broke. So I reset DD-WRT to factory defaults to try again.

Once I did that - when I get to creating a share - the drop down does not populate with /mnt/sda2. The only path available in the dropdown is /mnt

But the drive shows up below on drive services as tmp/mnt/sda2.

In Services/USB/Disk Info it shows:

--- /dev/sda2
Block device, size 3.639 TiB (4000650887168 bytes)
Windows BOOTMGR boot loader
NTFS file system
UUID 8E167F24167F0D09
Volume size 3.639 TiB (4000650886656 bytes, 7813771263 sectors)
/dev/sda2 mounted to /tmp/mnt/sda2

I tried teamviewer-ing into his other PC to see if there was something wacky? No change.
Was using Firefox - Installed Brave and tried that - No change.
Tried private tab - no change.

I started with DD-WRT r47900 because I had the same version working. I downloaded and installed r48208 - no change.

I have tried searching for the answer but I don't even know how to describe my problem.

Anyway - Any ideas what to try next?

Thanks all.



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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 20:13    Post subject: Reply with quote
The ntfs driver is rather picky.
It flashes a drive as dirty if you power down or reset without umounting.

Connect the drive to a PC and run chkdsk.

Consider using ext4 instead of ntfs

Routers:Netgear R7000, R6400v1, R6400v2, EA6900 (XvortexCFE), E2000, E1200v1, WRT54GS v1.
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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 29 May 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 20:37    Post subject: Reply with quote
@egc - Yep - that sounds more like it. A dirty flag. Okay - I will try and get some nearby help to run a chkdsk.

Also jives with my setup as I am on Linux and my external drive is ext4.

My buddy is probably not going to want to move to ext4. Windows still can't read/write ext4 - right? Will this happen all of the time with NTFS? Like every power fail?

Can you think of anyway I can do a command to the router to do fsck on the drive? Maybe put that in the boot routine?

Anyway - I bet you are right and will try to get that done when he gets home.

Thanks again!

Joined: 18 Mar 2014
Posts: 13532
Location: Netherlands

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 20:44    Post subject: Reply with quote
I do not think you can do it from the router.

If the drive is always connected to the router you can use ext4, samba will let windows user use the nas.

Next build will have an ntfs driver update maybe this will help but do not hold your breath.

I use ext2 for my attached USB stick and all users including Windows can see the nas.

For real nas duties I have a QNAP 453pro Smile

Routers:Netgear R7000, R6400v1, R6400v2, EA6900 (XvortexCFE), E2000, E1200v1, WRT54GS v1.
Install guide R6400v2, R6700v3,XR300:
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DD-WRT Novice

Joined: 29 May 2021
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 21:13    Post subject: Reply with quote
Thanks again.

I understand SAMBA will let Win10 see the shares no matter the drive format. I was just talking maintenance - direct plugging the drive into the pc or taking the drive (and the movies) on road trips with a Win10 laptop.

My r7800/NAS is serving Win10, Android and Linux clients - but I have a ext4 formatted drive. Very dirty unmount tolerant here as we have many power blinks.

I will let you know if chkdsk does the trick.

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