Forum guidelines and pointers, read first!

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Joined: 08 May 2018
Posts: 15522
Location: Texas, USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 19:31    Post subject: Forum guidelines and pointers, read first! Reply with quote
Welcome To The Forum

Below some pointers which might help to get the best out of DDWRT and out of the forum:

  1. This forum is for DD-WRT and DD-WRT related topics; so we can not provide support for any stock or other
    third-party firmware here.
  2. Hardware donation or router support detection information is required to add support for any new device;
    Support just doesn't automatically magically happen when a device goes on the market.
  3. NOTE: To see posted attachments, you must be registered, then logged into the forum after your registration
    is verified for them to be visible. You may have to log out and re-login or CTRL+F5 in your browser.
  4. Research your router, start with the Supported Devices Wiki

    1. Installation Wiki
    2. Firmware FAQ
    3. Where do I download firmware?
      (scroll up to the heading "Where Do I Download Firmware?)
    4. RSS feed for DD-WRT releases (2024) - Thanks @IONK!
    5. RSS feed for DD-WRT releases (2023) - Thanks @IONK!
    6. DD-WRT Releases 2024 (PolitePol)
    7. DD-WRT Releases 2023 (PolitePol)
    8. DD-WRT Releases 2024 (RSS Everything)
    9. DD-WRT Releases 2023 (RSS Everything)
      (Add the subscription of your choice above to any RSS reader client or
      email client if your email client supports RSS feeds, i.e. Thunderbird)
    10. You can also create your own RRS feed.
    11. easyddup - A simple upgrade/downgrade utility by yoyoma2

  5. In the supported devices wiki you can see if your router is supported and what architecture your router has and if you
    are lucky also an install guide/wiki.
  6. Post in the right forum

    1. If your router is Broadcom, Qualcomm/Atheros, Marvell, Ralink/MediaTek or other, use that forum to post
      router-specific questions, when in doubt use the General Forum to post questions.
    2. For questions not related to a specific router e.g. networking, routing, vpn , firewall etc. post in the Advanced
      Networking forum.
    3. For things not related to asking for help but discussing things in general, post in the General Questions forum.

  7. When posting always state router model, build number and when applicable the Kernel version.
    1. Describe your problem and how you think it can be solved.
    2. Give as much detail as you can also provide your network setup if applicable.
    3. If you followed a wiki or manual let us know which one(s).
    4. For your Network setup, state what wiki you have used:

  8. When posting pictures, those are scaled down to fit unless they are really large, so it's better not to post pictures larger
    than full HD (1920 x 1080). Use .jpg or.png format to post pictures. See Attaching Photos and references below.

    1. You can also upload your image to an image hosting site and link the image in your post and the forum software
      will automatically re-size it so it doesn’t skew the forum page format.
    2. References:

  9. Do not hijack a thread, meaning do not post your own problem in someone else's thread. Just start your own thread.
    This so that it can be searched and found by others.
  10. If your post is answered and your problem solved, mark your thread with [SOLVED] (the header of your first post).
  11. The router database is not up to date, builds can be found at (all links are pointing to the same builds):

    4. All builds are (and will be) beta including those from the router database.
    5. So there is no stable or best build, the closest definition to a best build is: "The latest build which is working for
      your router, which can be researched in the build threads"

  12. Before uploading a new build to your router, research the build by looking in the build threads.

    1. This is an example of a build thread for build 47495 for Broadcom routers:
    2. Search build threads with the search function and search on build number
      (i.e. use *r47090*, select "Search for all terms")
    3. Chrome or Chromium based browsers can be problematic when accessing the DD-WRT webUI,
      especially when upgrading. Consider using Internet Explorer, Waterfox Classic, Pale Moon,
      Firefox, or Firefox ESR.

  13. Use the build threads from the former step to report success or problems.
  14. For older Broadcom routers (Linksys WRT54 and E series) read the Peacock Thread although some of it is outdated:

    1. Builds can be found in the Broadcom directory for Linux kernel 2.4, in Broadcom_K26 for Linux K2.6 and in
      Broadcom_K3X for Linux K3.X. Keep in mind some Broadcom devices do have their own folders as well.

  15. If you are sure you have discovered a bug, after asking and querying the forum, you can report a real bug in the
    bug tracker: NOTE: This is also where the commits/changes to the source are administrated.
  16. Recommended reading:

    1. DD-WRT Wiki
    2. General Questions Forum Rules
    3. Peacock Announcement thread for historical Broadcom MIPS (k3x and older) information

  17. If you are happy with DDWRT and want it to live on then please donate.
Again, welcome everyone and please read the rules, guidelines, stickies and announcements in the forums to help us serve
you better. If you have questions feel free to ask, the forum guidelines will show you in what forum to post and what details
you should share with us Smile
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